26. I Did This.

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*a few nights later*

I wake up and look at the clock.

"I hate being hungry at midnight." I mumble and crawl out of bed. I walk into the kitchen to look for something to eat, I really need to restock. I pull out a pint of my two best friends, Ben and Jerry, then grab a spoon and sit down at the counter. Right before the red velvet flavored creamy deliciousness reaches my mouth, someone knocks on the door. I groan and stick the spoon back into the pint and jog to the door.


"He's at the door." She says with a straight voice and expression.

"He who?" I ask, extremely confused.

"You know who." She says and my heart drops.

That's when I open my eyes and realize it was just a dream. I sit up slowly, careful not to wake Hunter. I slip through his arms and run out into the living room straight to the door and I make sure its locked. I look around and run to the window making sure that's locked too. We were a few levels up but I learned to never underestimate Jack.

I hear a knock at the door. I slowly turn around and walk to it, praying that its not him. I look through the peep hole and see that it is unfortunately him standing there with a water bottle, which I know doesn't have water in it. I start to hyperventilate and run my fingers though my hair, pacing back and forth. The knocking gets louder and harder.

"ALY I KNOW YOU'RE UP! OPEN THE DOOR!" I stop in my tracks and look out at him again. His face is right in front of the peep hole, I scream for a few seconds and put my shaking hand over my mouth.

"Aly?' I hear Hunter say in a sleepy voice walking out. "Aly whats wrong?" He says running over to me. I feel light headed and the room starts spinning. "Aly, talk to me." I point to the door and he looks through the peep hole. "Shit." he mumbles. "Okay come here." He scooped me up and takes me back into the bedroom. My heart is beating out of my chest. "Whatever you do, don't leave this spot, okay?" I nod, "and don't make any loud noises." I nod again and back up against the head board. "I'll be right back, everything is fine. I promise." He kisses my forehead and jogs out of the room.

I hear the front door open and I can hear chatter. I can't tell who is talking and who isn't but there's no yelling or banging - which is good. Hunter pokes his head in the door. "Call the police." He mouths and I grab my phone and do as I'm told. Hunter goes back out and that's when I hear Jack shouting. I hear things breaking and banging around and I want so badly to go out there and see whats happening.

"911 whats your emergency?" The lady on the line says.

"My, my ex-boyfriend is here and he's yelling and I hear things banging and he's going to hurt someone, he's drunk and please come, do something!" I cry.

"Okay ma'am give me your address."

I give her the details and she says she will stay on the phone with me until they get here. "Okay Aly, tell me whats going on."

"I- I don't know and uh Jack." I can barely hold the phone I'm shaking so badly. "I hear my ex yelling and stuff banning."

"Does he know you're there?"

"I don't know." I whimper. "All I can hear is stuff thumping and breaking and yelling."

"Okay. You're doing fine, just keep talking to me okay?"


"Where are you? Can you see anything?"

I lean over to see if I can see out the crack of the door. "I'm in the bedroom. The door is shut, I can't see anything."

"Can you tell me what your ex-boyfriend looks like and his name?" Her tone of voice seemed to have no urgency at all.

I hated saying his name, I didn't even want to think about him. "Jack, Jack Muscleman. H- he's like 6'6, dark brown hair and green eyes."

I hear her say something to someone else.

"Aly, good job. Are you okay?"

"Uh, I - I don't know."

"Can you look out there, and tell me what's going on?"

"I-I- ye- I-"

"Aly, stay calm, you're going to be fine I just need you to tell me whats going on. Is the door open?"

"Yes, yes its open they can come right in." I whisper and push myself off the bed, slowly tip toeing to the door. I look through the crack in the door, I see shadows and I can hear the voices more clearly now.

"WHY DID YOU TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME?!" I hear Jack shout.

"She came to me! I did nothing! This is your fault, not mine!" Hunter says back, not a shout but loud enough that it echoed.

"They're, uh, they're arguing." Jack grabs his water bottle and throws it at Hunter, who ducks. I gasp and put my back against the door. "I can't, I can't do it."

"Aly, you're doing fine sweetie, the officers are almost at the door, they'll protect you." Her voice is calming, but I need Hunter. I hear the door open and men shouting and guns. "Are they there Aly? Aly, Aly are you there? Talk to me."

"I'm fine. I have to go." I hang up and run to see if everyone is okay. I'm too short to see anything so I have to jump and when I do I see them prying Jack off of Hunter. I think I see blood, but all I know is Hunter is on the floor and he doesn't look conscious. They get Jack to the door and he sees me.


"HEY! SHUT UP!" The officer shouts and pushes him out the door. I push through the tall people and see the paramedics around Hunter hooking him up to things and checking his pulse. They talk to each other with big words that I don't understand and put him on a stretcher.

"Oh my God!" I scream and my legs collapse out from under me.

"Ma'am, Ma'am he's fine. He's just unconscious and they're taking him to the hospital just to make sure there's nothing else. Ma'am he's going to be fine." An officer says holding me up and rubbing my back. I want to swat his hand away because it isn't Hunter's, but I know he's just trying to help. "C'mon, we'll take you with them." He helps me out the door and I sob into the man's chest as he leads me into the ambulance that Hunter is in. 

After a few minutes of curiosity I look at him and I see them wiping off blood and patching up cuts. "Oh my God Hunter." I grab his hand and put it on my cheek, then down in my lap. I feel tears hitting our hands and I fold over so that my head is rests on his hand and I cry.

I did this to him. If it wasn't for me he would be fine right now, he would be peacefully sleeping without a care in the world.

What have I done?

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