#37 rescue

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My breathing was heavy as I paced around in my room. Who is the mastermind. It's all I could think. The same four words repeating over and over until I thought I could go crazy....or maybe I already am crazy. I just want to go home is that so crazy? Maybe it is I don't know. Who would do this to us? I heard a faint knock at my door in the middle of my breakdown so I slowly stepped towards the door and opened it to see himiko standing in front of me "hey kokichi I have something to show you" Himiko slowly reached for my hand so I instinctively flinched back "d-dont touch me!" I've been loosing so much trust in everyone around me I refused to let anyone touch me, it didn't matter if they were my friend or not.

"Oh.....sorry" She apologized. I grabbed a knife off of my counter which made me feel a bit safer and I began following himiko. "So um himiko....why didn't you really do anything in the class trials....except for the most recent one" Himiko sighed "everyone else did it for me so I didn't think I had to do anything but there were only four people so I felt like I had to do something" She explained. She did amazingly in the most recent trial....its a shame she didn't help out more though....

"Where are we even going?" I asked after we walked around for about an hour. I could swear we passed the elevator three separate times but I'm not exactly sure. She shrugged "I didn't really want to go anywhere I just wanted to take a walk with you" "Why" "You kept punching the walls so I thought you were angry....and walks with others usually calms me down" I can't really complain because it did calm me down.....

At least for a little bit

The next thing happened so fast

We walked into the dining hall, the wall crumbled, two people wearing black suits entered, gunshots.....and when I opened my eyes.....i saw two dead bodies laying in front of me

*ding dong dong ding*

"A body has been discovered!"

I could tell that they died from a gunshot, the girl on the chest and the boy on the forehead. What? Does someone in this school have a gun? I looked at himiko and backed up, slowly raising the knife I had brought with me "you.....you....." It must be her. We're the only ones in the dining hall and I definitely don't have a gun. "No it isn't me! You can even strip search me I don't have a gun!" I saw her reach into her pocket. SHE DOES HAVE A GUN she lied to me! Why else would she reach into her pocket?! "P.....PLEASE DON'T HURT ME"

I sprinted straight to my room and locked the door. I was shaking in fear, breathing scattered, tears streaming down my face. I curled into a ball and covered my head.

Just let me sleep. Take me away from here

"P......PLEASE DON'T HURT ME" Kokichi screamed as he sprinted away from me, dropping the knife he held on the ground. I took the checkered scarf out of my pocket and looked at it with a sigh. I was just trying to give it back to him.....whenever he sees it he calms down it makes him feel safe, like kaede is protecting him....if anything I made him feel unsafe. I dropped the scarf of the ground and approached the dead bodies slowly, there was one girl and one boy. I removed the pin on the boys suit and read

"Makoto naegi:future foundation"

Then I read the other one

"Kyoko kirigiri:future foundation"

.......i don't know who they were but they looked pretty.....

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