#15 an orchestrated accident

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I sat on the floor, hugging my knees once again, staring at rantaro the entire time....he said he was 'testing me' or something but that test could lead to us being killed I don't understand, why is he doing this. Rantaro suddenly looked at me with a confused expression "staring is....a little rude you know" He said with a small smile "erm....s-sorry I must've s-spaced out" I said as I looked down at the floor next to me....he may act like a friend now but as soon as we enter the trial room we will be enemies....and I don't want that.....i don't want ANY of this....."don't worry about it, it's fine" I heard rantaro say before the elevator stopped with a more prominent shake this time, this thing must be really old. I slowly picked myself up off the floor and walked out of the elevator, dragging my feet, and stopped at my podium.

"Welcome to the second class trial!" Monokuma said happily "since I've already explained the class trial you can just begin immediately aand.....GO!" I looked at everyone else then sighed gently. kaito decided to start us off with "alright let's get this over with, it was probably maki" "Me? What makes you say that?" "Well you told me that you thought kirumi could kill someone easily because she cooks for us maybe-" I interrupted him by saying "H-here, let me correct that for you, it couldn't have been maki because she wasnt allowed backstage, so she couldn't have burned the rope, so she couldn't have killed anyone, if it helps the actual suspects are rantaro, kaede, and angie"

Kaito still looked....smug, as usual, but I could tell he was a little embarrassed by me shutting him down like that "and to accuse your own girlfriend....how sad, I'm disappointed in you" Rantaro said with an antagonizing glare "girl....friend?....." Himiko asked "oh? You guys didn't know? Well dont worry about it then I'm sure kaito would agree that it isn't a big deal" I decided to let it go since I didn't particularly....care that much but kaito looked pissed "you cryptic bitch! if all of these people weren't here I would murder you on the spot" "I won't forget to lock my door then" With every word rantaro spoke kaito looked to be getting more and more enraged until he finally snapped, lunging at rantaro and pinning him to the floor, one hand on his wrist and the other hand on his throat. I looked at monokuma, expecting him to do something and all he was doing was sitting there.....eating popcorn..... "Nng-......wow.......i must've made you.....r...really mad h-huh? B...but I know you.....wont r-really kill me in front of....everyone would you? ehehehe~ definitely not.....in front of y-your precious girl friend.....o-or sh...should I say......f....former girlfriend" Rantaro stuttered between gasps for air

Former? "M-maki....did something happen between you and kaito" I asked Maki who looked, almost a little sad "yeah actually I caught the fucker cheating on me with kirumi, he thought he would be able to get away with it, so I broke up with him....and that's why he thought I did it" And then we heard the sound of something falling on the ground so we turned our attention back to kaito and rantaro to see that kiibo had tackled kaito off of rantaro and was currently strattling his waist. He took out a bottle and he had shoved the bottle of something into kaito's mouth...Kaito was out in moments

"What was that?" Rantaro asked as he got up and cleared his throat "....riko....riko told me to always repay others before he died....you saved me so I tried to save you" Shuichi smiled "riko? As in....riko asayana the ultimate video game programmer" I gave shuichi a light smack on the arm to shut him up for the moment. It's rude to join into other people's conversations he should know that! Rantaro shook his head slightly as he got off of the floor "not that, but thank you that was surprisingly brave of you, I ment what was in the bottle" "Oh um it's simply a chemical I created a few days ago, it's supposed to calm people down but....." He looked down at the sleeping kaito below him "i must've given him too much accidentally....i apologize" "But you didn't have to.....kill him" "No, he isn't dead" Monokuma interrupted "if he was dead I would've told you" I heard an annoyed groan from miu before she said "that's all good and well but HELLO! in case you forgot we're in the middle of a class trial so can you stop fucking that corpse so we can continue please" Kiibo didn't say anything he just got up and walked back to his podium with an embarrassed expression.

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