#18 lets stick together

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"How old was she when she did this?" Kiibo asked me once I calmed down a bit "I d-don't know but based on her a-appearance twenty to thirty" Kiibo nodded before asking me another question "and how old were you?" I thought for a moment....this happened three years ago and I'm seventeen now so I would be "Fourteen....w-why" "Just......curious" Kiibo said as he stood up and then helped me up "but.....the power is still out and the others must be getting impatient, let's go together okay? I'll try to protect you if anything is I'm the dark" I could tell kiibo was nervous his voice shook slightly.....i knew he protected rantaro at the class trial but still it made me feel.....special.....like I was worth something to someone.....i enjoyed the feeling. I smiled lightly and grabbed onto kiibo's hand so I wouldn't lose him while we were walking "thank you" I said simply before we started walking down the hallway together

....walking with kiibo made me feel safe, not completely safe but more safe then I would feel if I was walking alone, "you're a little bit close...." I didn't even notice that I had transitioned from simply holding his hand to basically hugging his arm until he had pointed it out to me "um sorry i-i just.....sorry" I apologized but just as I was about to move my arm kiibo gently placed his hand on my arm "n-no.....its fine......you can keep it there if you want too, you don't have to move it" Kiibo said "o-oh u-u-um okay". Kiibo eventually fixed the power and the lights flickered on, I smiled as a wave of relief washed over me "thank you again kiibo" I said as I let him go. he gave me a warm smile in return.

.....and then we heard a thud.....something metal fell over....."Eep! Wh-what was that?" I asked as I hugged kiibo's arm once again.....i could tell that kiibo was shaking, if anything he was more scared then I was, "um.....i.....i don't know......l-l-lets check it out" Kiibo said as we walked forwards....more sounds of metal falling over lead us into a room where we found a.....

Robot.....a robot that resembled kiibo was on the floor, Seemingly broken. I looked at kiibo and he looked both confused and disturbed "what is this thing? is this....me?" kiibo asked as he reached his hand out towards it but he froze when he put his hand on the things chest "whats wro-" "Its warm.....like it was turned on recently" My blood ran cold as I began to shake slightly....i thought it was broken. Our scared silence was interrupted by monokuma who quickly ushered us out of the room, saying "you aren't supposed to be in here! get out! Out out out!" Before he shut the door he said "now forget you ever saw this place!" And then he slammed the door......

I didn't know how to react.....

"We should go tell the others" Kiibo said. i agreed and we ran into the dining hall where everyone thankfully still was "we found a robot locked in a room...maybe if we get it out we could use it to escape!" Kiibo announced with a smile "oh then let's just go get it and get the fuck out of here" Miu demanded "we would love to but monokuma is guarding the room where the robot is being held so we can't" I heard an annoyed groan from miu before rantaro interrupted her "then we just need to distract monokuma right? I know that there are no cameras in the bathhouse let's bring it there" Rantaro suggested as he sat at the table. i don't know why but it reminded me of a supervillain when he's talking to his evil henchman "okay i'll get the robot who wants to be the distraction" Tenko said only to be met with silence

Kiibo sighed before saying "I will be a distraction, once he's distracted I will give you a signal then you can carry the robot out of the room and hand him off to rantaro who will put the robot into the bathhouse alright" We all nodded "the rest of you can wait in the bathhouse" "Okay...oh! let's do that thing that they do in the movies when they stand in a circle and put their hands together" Tenko suggested. Kiibo ,rantaro, tenko and I stood in a circle and put our hands together Himiko looked confused but did it too "come on kaede j-just do it, it will only take five seconds" I pleaded "no, then I would have to touch you disgusting people" "Pleeeeease" Kaede crossed her arms before sighing and giving in, once everyone joined in (excluding kaito because he's a smug B I T C H.....but don't tell him I said that) tenko smiled and said "okay, one two three" On the count of three we raised our hands up in the air and cheered briefly "Okay there I did it are you happy?" Kaede said with a pissed off expression "yes"

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