#30 fall FALL FALL!

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Once the doors closed and I got off the floor I decided to stand next to kiibo I sighed as we ascended "hey kiibo....im sorry......if my plan worked we could've all been killed!" Kiibo smiled as I rested my head on his shoulder "I understand, it's hard to loose a friend so you wanted to keep saihara alive no matter what right?" "I just didn't want to be alone" He let out a small laugh before saying "you'll never be alone,tenko, rantaro, himiko, maki and I will always be there for you" His words made me feel safe like everything would be okay....but then we all heard a harsh snap and we were suddenly decending at a rapid pace. Everyone in the elevator began screaming and kiibo and I hugged onto each other for dear life.....until it all came to a sudden stop and the elevator collapsed onto all of us.......

The end





Am I......alive?

I pushed a piece of rubble off of me and looked around.....i remember now, the elevator cord must've snapped.....everything hurts.....i suddenly heard a muffled sob come from beside me.....it must be kiibo! I reached into the rubble and pulled up the crying white haired boy himself.....his nose was bleeding and he was covered from head to toe in bruises "are you okay?" I asked in a raspy voice....it hurt to speak "no...." Kiibo answered as he coughed up some.....black stuff.....suddenly rantaro pushed some rubble off of himself and stood up....he was covered in cuts, bruses and his mouth was bleeding "god....what the hell happened" He asked to himself next to arise was himiko, her dress was ripped and dirty and she was covered with scratches and bruises. After her was maki she was.....mostly unharmed.....lucky.....but where is tenko?

I looked around briefly before I saw her arm sticking out from under the destroyed door "TENKO!" I yelled despite the pain as I rushed forwards to move the door off of her but it was too heavy "someone help me with this!" I yelled helplessly as I tried to move the door off of tenko. Rantaro and maki were the ones that helped me move the door and with our combined strength, even if we were weakened, we were able to move the door off of her....her eye was bleeding and she had some sort of thick pole or something going through her leg "tenko? TENKO?! A-are you.....alive" I asked as I placed my hand on her cheek....i could still feel the warmth of life but I could feel it slowly begin fadeing "shit- what do we do!" I asked as I looked around "dun dududuuuun monokuma has arrived!.....holy despair what happened"

"Its Tenko! She's dying!" I yelled. Monokuma groaned for a solid five minutes before he said "well....she wasn't murdered so.....i guess I should take care of her.....you all can stay down here until I fix the elevator" He said as he picked up tenko and carried her out of the elevator. Now we were left in the remains of the broken elevator.....with no where to go..... And nothing to do......

After that we decided to split up. Rantaro and Maki went to explore, find a place to sleep and stuff, kiibo was tasked with finding food, himiko decided to sleep in the center of the podiums and I decided to stay in the elevator in case tenko came back.....or that was the plan anyway...... No one has seen himiko in at least an hour and rantaro has been checking in on me to make sure that I wasnt getting lonely.....maki got locked in a room they found and kiibo.......is gone........he's very close to the elevator but he doesn't know that.....i can hear him screaming.....loud and clear 'wh-where am I?! There's oil everywhere! ARE THOSE DEAD BODIES!? Maki! Kokichi! Anyone!?'.......its agonizing but at least I know he isn't dead.......

I sighed hevily "how are you doing in here?" Rantaro asked for the third time this hour ".....fine" "Are you sure?" I forced a smile and looked at rantaro "yeah! N-no need to worry" I said, accidentally letting a stutter slip in the process....he didn't seem to buy it "You're.....not a great liar are you?" I slowly shook my head as I dropped my smile and hugged my knees to my chest

"it will be alright" Rantaro said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I felt dispair overcoming me as he said the familiar words. I shook his hand off of my shoulder "No, No it won't be alright....You always say that and things never turn out alright....those words must be cursed or something" "Kokichi....you can't blame this on curses....but you're right,in this hellhole things will never truly be alright" He said with a shrug.....wait is he really agreeing with me? "Things really are hopless aren't they....such a shame we came this far for what, to get stuck in this room with no way out" He said with a small defeated sigh "well....maybe not completely hopeless....you can find hope in any dispair if you look hard enough" I corrected. Rantaro smiled and laughed lightly "what's so funny?" "Nothing, nothing I just find it ironic that you give great advice to other people but you never take your own advice" He said as he stood up "I would love to talk more but I have a lock to break before Maki starves in there.....i'll check on you again soon okay?" I weakly waved goodbye as he walked out of the elevator.....as long as he's here this won't be so bad.....I guess

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