#27 you said you would protect us

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I sighed as I walked through the hallway. Maki told me that she heard someone yelling and she thought it was a ghost so she wanted me to deal with it......just another joy of being the ultimate paranormal investigator weee! But then I jumped as I heard the sound of metal hitting against something and something falling to the ground....."hello? Is.....is someone there" I asked as my walking slowed.....okay so maybe it *was* a ghost. The sounds lead me to.....the stairs that lead to the rec room but what walked up the stairs wasn't a ghost.

Tenko walked up from the stairs with blood on her head....she looked traumatized "tenko? Are you okay?" I asked as I got closer.....no response was given so I asked again "tenko? What's wrong" I asked as I placed my hand on her shoulder but as soon as my skin made contact she grabbed my wrist and threw me down the stairs, seemingly out of reflex.

When I finally stopped moving I was covered in bruises and I could swear that I had a broken bone.....i got up and the sight that was awaiting me was much worse than a broken bone....what I saw was....




Kokichi hasn't come back yet but I heard a girlish scream a few moments ago so I think he found something......I hope it actually is a ghost.....especially kirumi she was just so.....sweet......she always said things like "well aren't you just the sweetest thing" And she used to call himiko "shortcake".....speaking of shortcakes she used to make the best shortcakes....i dont actually know if she cooked anything else as good because I only asked her to make shortcakes for me.....She didn't deserve to die well.....none of the victims did but.....whatever

My attention was suddenly turned towards the door as tenko tumbled into the dining hall "If you're going to die at least die with dignity and pick your carcass up off the floor" I said as I glared at Tenko. I've been trying to be less rude but pitiful figures disgust me. 'Oh I'm so tired and hungry direct all attention and energy towards me!' It's just a way to get attention without taking any of the negative effects.....at least that's how I see it.....pitiful people are powerful people and they know that "ehhhh.....sorry Maki....." Tenko mumbled as she slowly got up

I looked around for a moment before handing a water bottle to Tenko who immediately chugged the entire thing "Now, tell me what happened" Tenko stared forward blankly before saying "i-i don't remember.....the last thing I remember is" Tenko went silent before she began to cry out of nowhere but I didn't feel pity for her.....not in the slightest "hey, hey, hey, hey stay with me what happened!" I insisted even though she was.....extremely loud......"I promised.....i promised that I would protect them but.....i just" I sighed heavily before looking away from the girl in front of me "whatever.....you came from the rec room right?" I asked her and she nodded slowly.

I pushed her aside and walked down the hallway, down the stairs and into the rec room to see.....

Kaito....dead....he had around thirty seven to fourty seven stab wounds all over his body. A mask was left at the crime scene along with bloody footprints.....even if I didn't really care for the bastard it made me a little sad that he was dead.....

*ding dong dong ding*

Wait what? I thought that only came on once three or more people found the body at the same time but....its only me.... "A body has been discovered" I looked around in a bit of confusion before I heard rustling coming from a locker....i got closer and opened the door to see kokichi tumble out of it and fall onto the floor.....that makes two people so......someone else must be in here with us. I shivered briefly before refocusing on kokichi "can you tell me what happened, kokichi" But then I noticed the bloody wound on his head, the same as Tenko "n-no I can't.....i......i can't remember the last thing I remember was falling down the stairs and then I woke up in this locker" Kokichi said.....not very helpful but at least he didn't start crying

::Tenko's account and kokichi's account has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook::

Useless as always....the door suddenly shut so I turned around but no one has entered and as far as I could tell no one has left.....strange......

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