#21 put our heads together

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I eventually separated from Miu to start investigating my friends body....i took a few steps forward and saw the scarf I gave to her on the floor, soaked in blood. I picked it up and I tied it around my right wrist I didn't care that blood got all over my arm it made me feel like she was still with me....im never going to take it off....for a second I could swear that I felt a warm presence surrounded me like something was hugging me....at first I thought it was shuichi trying to apologize but when i looked back....he was still sitting on the floor looking very unhappy with miu....i looked around before shrugging it off as nothing

I held my right hand close to my chest as I began investigating the body and the warm presence faded, being replaced with familiar coldness.....it made me feel lonely......like something important has abandoned me......i missed the feeling of warmth but it was a little confusing to me. Why was it there? I sighed softly....none of this made any sense.  "I'm getting off track" I mumbled as I approached the wall where her body was taped and I began to feel sick....the pain she felt must've been agonizing....the amount of blood pouring out of every limb....ugh....

But I noticed something strange, her right arm was missing....where did it go.

::missing arm has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook::

I walked away from her dismembered body and looked at kaede's head....i stared at it for a moment and I noticed a strange wound....like she was hit with a baseball bat or something

::head wound has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook::

I couldn't stand being this close to my friend's decaying body I had to get away.....so I ran.....out of the hallway and into the gym.....unfortunately all that was there to greet me was another pool of blood but no dead body was to be seen....it looked like something was dragged away towards the hallway where kaede's body was but what was it?

::pool of blood has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook::

I took a few steps backwards before walking away from the pool of blood

I can't escape this can i? Everywhere I go i- "AAAAAAAAH" I was interrupted by a scream of terror so I ran in the direction of the scream.....i went in the wrong direction a couple of times but I eventually reached.....the kitchen......i don't know what I expected but it wasn't what was waiting for me....it was a bloodbath.....every knife in the kitchen was plunged into miu's chest.....her legs were hanging next to me her arms were tossed halfhazaedly across the room and miu's head was sitting on the table in front of me.....this time a leg was missing. My eyes widened as I stared at miu's body in silence....i was too shocked to scream......i was too shocked to move......it was like I was frozen in place. What kind of psycotic killer could have done this!? Why? Questions raced through my head at the speed of lightning bolts and then....everyone else ran into the room

*ding dong dong ding*

I must've passed out or something because the last thing I remember was a mess of noise.....i opened my eyes to see shuichi looking down at me with a loving expression on his face.....my head was rested on his thighs. My face quickly turned red with blush as shuichi said "oh goodmorning koki" The sweet nickname he gave me was now more bitter sounding....i don't want murderers calling me adorable nicknames but I was too light headed to care at that moment "Wh-what happened?" I asked as I tried to sit up but shuichi kept me firmly in place "after you saw miu's corpse you fainted....it was very adorable you know" He tried to touch my face but I avoided his hand. He seemed disappointed but he looked like he understood "I didn't kill them you know...." Shuichi said in a disappointed voice "I don't c-care about what you say! You took my best f-friend from me I know you did!" I said angerly

Shuichi just sighed as he pet me on the head gently.....i hate to admit it but his gentle touch was very calming to me despite how angry I was at him "cutie" He complimented "demon" I fired back.

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