#29 betrayal with good intentions

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As we stood in the elevator we noticed a light snapping noice.....seriously how old is this damn thing? I could see the anxiety in kokichi's eyes as I looked over at him "hey" He jumped as I approached him "you seem.....nervous.....well, more nervous than usual anyway whats up?" "Oh Uh....this elevator seems pretty old and I'm a little afraid that the cord might snap is all" I rolled my eyes "thats dumb" "Oh.....sorry for waisting your time-" "But valid....i guess" Kokichi looked up at me with a smile "it would require a lot of bad luck but it is possible.....then again a meteor shower destroying earth is also possible with back luck so I wouldn't worry about it too much"

"Maki.....you've gotten much better at cheering people up" Kokichi said as he clasped his hands together "I....guess I have.....to be honest I didn't really notice a difference in the way I handle your irrational fears" "Heh you got me....i just wanted an excuse to compliment you" ....this boy is too sweet for a killing game

When the elevator stopped it shook so much kokichi almost fell to the floor so I had to hold him by the waist until it stopped so he wouldn't fall "are you okay?" "Mhm" He said as nodded slowly "but all that shaking...." "If you're going to throw up don't throw up on me" Kokichi jumped slightly and shook his head "Wah! N-no it's not that at all!...all of that shaking....didn't sound good" I sighed before grabbing him by the waist again, picking him up and walking to his podium "I said it would be fine right? Now stop worrying about the elevator and do your best, you got this"

I gently set him down and gave him a light Pat on the shoulder. He gave me a sweet smile in return before I walked to my podium which was between a picture of kaede and rantaro "alright let's start with the murder weapon" Himiko said seeming tired. kokichi smiled before suggesting "i know it was a knife for sure!" "Actually, that's wrong" I Interrupted "there's strong evidence to suggest that kaito was smacked with the DVD player before he was stabbed which most likely killed him" "But kiibo said that tenko had been hit with that same DVD player and she wasn't killed so how did she survive" Kokichi said as he looked down

He made a good point...."maybe you were right he was killed with the knife....but what about tenko.....do you have an alibi?" "....i was training with kaito when something hit me on the head.....the last thing I remember was seeing kaito fall to the floor before suddenly I was throwing kokichi down the stairs" "She did do that.....my arm still hurts" Kokichi said as he rubbed his arm.....hey doesn't he usually wear a checkered scarf on his right wrist? Where did it go..... Regardless I know tenko and I highly doubt she would throw anyone down stairs unprovoked like that "but who the hell could've.....I GOT IT" I yelled as an answer came to me "rantaro must've done it" "Am I already suspicious? We've only just started"

"It makes sense if you thought about it for more than five seconds, kaito put a note on kokichi's dorm for you right? So you must've murdered him when he got back" Rantaro sighed dramatically before leaning on his podium "you're right, I asked kaito to put a note on kokichi's door for me and when he came back I hit him over the head with the DVD player and stabbed him it was all me" "What about the mask" "Huh?" I sucked in an annoyed breath before saying "the mask you were wareing when you killed kaito! It was a clown mask, explain before we vote" Rantaro laughed nervously before saying "I....dont know"

"You don't know? You just confessed to murder and you're trying to make excuses? Did you do it or not" "Fine fine I was just joking I didn't commit murder sorry" I thought for a second before I said "Maybe it was shuichi?" "H-hey you can't just throw blame around like a football until you get the right one you need to at least try to back it up with evidence" Kokichi said.....he was getting strangely defensive when blame fell on shuichi.....interesting "oh all of my accusations are backed up by evidence kokichi now shuichi you took the note right? Do you have the note in question on you"

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