#9 finally getting kiibo to talk

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I was walking down the hallway, looking for kaede, and I came across kiibo so I decided to approach him "h-hey kiibo" Kiibo shrunk down a little and waved slightly "how are y-you?" He didn't answer me he just looked at me with a terrified expression "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise" Kiibo didn't look convinced he just kept staring at me like I just committed murder. I sighed as I gave up on him and walked away, finally finding kaede.

"Oh hey it's you again what do you want today" "I enjoyed playing chess with you...can I hang out with you again?" Kaede thought for a second before revealing the smallest smile "sure....i guess you aren't too much of an annoyance to me.....today I'm interested in the things you don't like, things that scare you....and make it good otherwise you're just waisting my time" I thought for a moment before whimpering "i-i don't like horror movies they give me nightmares, sometimes for weeks on end" Kaede giggled before ruffling my hair in a friendly way "that's such a stupid thing to be afraid of.....come on we are getting you over that fear" Kaede said as she grabbed my hand and basically dragged me to the rec room "Wait we aren't going to watch a horror movie right?" "Duh! Of course we are what are you? Stupid?....they say that to get over your fears you have to face them head on" Kaede said as she looked for a horror movie for us to watch.

We spent the afternoon watching horror movies, kaede laughed at the more gory scenes while i screamed and covered my eyes at the simple jump scares but.....by the end of our horror movie marathon I was a little less scared of horror movies

Kaede and I grew a little closer today

"So? How do you feel now?" "....i feel.....a little less scared of horror movies" I said with a smile "see I told you it would work" "Here....its a thank you gift for getting me over my fear" I said as I handed her three cat hairpins, two were black and one was white ".....how did you know that I like cats?" Kaede said as she put the hairpins in her hair "I just took a guess....can I leave now" "Sure.....come find me tomorrow, I think I have the perfect way to beat you at chess and I want to test it out" "O-okay come ch-challenge me anytime!" Kaede gave me a slight wave as I walked away with a smile. As I walked down the hallway I ran into kiibo again....he was pushing the tips of his fingers together nervously "oh hi kiibo" Kiibo opened his mouth to say something but ended up just running away "w-w-wait!" I called out but it was too late kiibo had already turned the corner....i stood there for a moment before running after him

I followed him to the library....why did he come here....i thought that after what happened he would avoid this place like the plague.....wait kiibo isn't here at all....i don't see him anywhere....that bookshelf Is still empty maybe he hid behind one of the bookshelves. I took a deep breath in, crawled between the narrow space and got behind the bookshelves once again "kiibo? A-are you back here" A moment of silence went by before I tried again "k-k-kiibo? You are b-back here r-r-right....?" I kept walking in the incredibly narrow space until I tripped over something or someone....

"Ow...wh-what did I even..." I looked back to see what I had tripped on and I saw kiibo curled into a ball on the floor "kiibo? are you okay you seem scared....im sorry for tripping on you by the way" I said as I sat next to kiibo on my knees. kiibo shook his head...."do you want to...talk about it" i knew he wouldn't do it but I thought I might as well ask....to my surprise kiibo nodded "w-well I'm listening" Kiibo stayed silent for a moment before he said "im just so scared of making any friends.....because if the right motive appears they might stab me in the back or they might be murdered by someone else in this place.....so I've been trying to distance myself from everyone.....i spent most of my time in the library and I felt safe but after what happened I don't feel safe anywhere" in a quiet voice....

I wrapped my arms around kiibo....he didn't seem to mind that much "don't worry....we will get out of here together I promise" "Th-thats what he said" Kiibo said as he started to tear up "who?" I asked but Kiibo didn't answer me he just began crying

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