#35 unfair unfair unfair

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"So....what was kiibo doing that was quote: " Suspicious as hell"" I asked once our podiums had returned to its original position "He was mumbling to himself about how things were unfair like a child" She spat the word child out like she was annoyed by the fact that kiibo would act so....immaturely "I didn't catch all of his ranting but I heard 'what an unfair motive! Tenko didn't ask to be hurt and she is being held hostage! It's unfair! Unfair unfair unfair unfair unfair unfair unfair unfairunfairunfairunfairunfairunfairunfair!'....now....isnt that strange" Maki said as she glared at kiibo "N-no you misunderstand! Just because I found it unfair doesn't mean that I killed rantaro!" Maki raised an eyebrow, clearly sceptical of him "it all lines up far too well to be just a coincidence....kokichi you know what to do" I stood there for a moment before I realized what she wanted, she wanted me to explain how the case played out like I usually do....this early? We bairly figured anything out!....i can try I guess

"E....earlier today we received a motive, to kill to get tenko back"

"The murderer didn't want any of us to die because of an unfair motive so they went after the person they thought was most likely to commit a murder which was rantaro amami....i guess"

"They lured rantaro into a secluded room, took out the relaxing chemical they had on hand and tacked him to the ground, forceing him to drink it which put him to sleep almost immediately."

"Then the murderer tossed rantaro's body off the chair and left the room"

"Once the murderer tossed him off the chair rantaro woke up and began kicking his legs in panic, in the process he ended up kicking the chair across the room which made it seem like it was uninvolved to the case"

"He started crying as he got more and more desperate to remove the rope which ended up ripping some of his fingernails off and as a he took his final breath he grasped the rope and tried to pull it off but be obviously had no luck....."

"And the person who did this was.....kiibo idabashi?....maybe...."

"N-no! I didn't kill anyone! You have to believe me!" "I'm with kiibo, the timeline of the case just doesn't make sense" Himiko testified "the way kokichi laid it out means by the time Maki and kokichi split up kiibo was already committing the murder but kokichi would've seen kiibo exiting the room right? And....another thing why would he be ranting about the motive being unfair if he already killed someone"....oh....i guess himiko isn't as useless as I thought she would be- in the class trials of course wait that sounded rude can I start over? I just didn't expect her to point out when people are acting out of character.....but she is an actor so she knows a lot about characters....thats what I ment...."I occasionally write scripts for the plays I act in and the timeline of events is the most common thing I have to think about, how it would play out logically you know?" Himiko explained as she messed with the sleeves of her jacket

"Well himiko since you're suddenly becomeing more vocal do you have any ideas?" I asked "like I said I think it was a suicide.....it would make sense right? I personally think it played out like this: rantaro went to a secluded room, locked the door tied the noose all that stuff then he drank the relaxing chemical as he stepped off the chair. Since he couldn't breathe it didn't put him to sleep like he expected it would so he kicked his feet and tried to untie the rope either out of regret or it could be his body's survival response but i think it was out of regret....finally before he died he looked at a photo of kokichi and himself together so he could look at his friend to remind him of something good before he died....*then* kokichi kicked down the door now the timeline makes sense" Maki nodded "I guess you're right...but you need to grow up kiibo I mean seriously who does that over the age of five" Kiibo looked at his feet, embarrassed.....that means.....rantaro sacrificed himself so we could get out of here.....god damn it! Why was he so selfless.....why was he such a selfless idiot!.....im way less useful why couldn't he have killed me instead! "monokuma......I think we're ready to vote" I mumbled

"Allllright! It's voteing time! Who will you vote as the blackened? Will you make the right choice or the dreadfully wrong one?"

"Yep yep that's right! It was completely unanimous! The one who killed rantaro was rantaro himself!.....pathetic" "Well...if it was a suicide there won't be an execution right?" Kiibo said with a small hopeful smile "Ha! You wish! We have a special victim! Let's bring them out"

A large screen turned on and we saw "KEEBO!" Keebo was sitting on a...metal table of sorts the metal body of keebo was welded to the table with laptop next to him in....they were both turned on, one with keebo's consciousness in it and the other just looked around in a frightened manner.....for some reason Keebo was smileing....keebo cleared his throat briefly before saying "Hello there everyone can you hear me? I hope you can because I cant hear you....just to be safe allow me to adjust the volume" He took a moment to turn the volume up before continuing "what a strange situation I found myself in I guess this really is the end for me Isn't it.....such a shame I couldn't even be of use to you all before I.....well......you know....." Keebo said as he looked around at his surroundings blankly. How is he being so calm about this!

"I'm surprised they're even letting me last this long they're probably doing this so that when I die it has more of an impact but these are my final words to you all.....I want you to remember me! please don't forget about me like you did the last time I'm trusting you this is my only wish please do your best to fulfill it even if you'll never see me again I want my memory to remain in your hearts okay? So I can last forever like I was supposed to.....oh and one last thing.....to the mastermind, you know who you are.....I'll see you in hell......and we can pick up where we left off...." Hard drive cleared successfully was the only thing on the laptop after that....

At this point the metal body had peiced together what was happening but it was too late for him to stop anything. For a moment he struggled to try and move before he flinched as the walls began to close in on him. It almost immediately became clear that the walls were covered in spikes. It was like a train wreck I wanted to look away but I just couldn't.

as he looked at all of us hopelessly, occasionally glancing at something off screen, he gave us a reassuring smile as if to say 'everything will be okay even when I'm gone' without realizing it I stuck my hand in the air and started waving goodbye to him. Then maki joined in, followed by himiko and finally kiibo. It seemed to cheer the body up a bit and he gave us a weak wave in return before the walls finally closed in on him, just enough to kill him but not enough to crush the body completely so we could still see him. Some weird teal substance was pouring out of each puncture the body suffered....i guess it was like robot blood or some sort of....teal substance that he ran on.

It wasn't much considering I watched my friend get beheaded right in front of me but the emotional damage it has done will stay with me....probably forever....i miss him already

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