#12 our own despair

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Shuichi was frozen in shock as he stared at what he thought was going to be the outside world.....instead we saw....a cage and a wall.....three buildings towered over us....it was a little intimidating. One building looked like a love hotel of some sort the other two looked like an arcade and a place to gamble or something.....i started to tear up. all of the hope I had was immediately shattered and was replaced by the worst despair I've ever felt....i looked at shuichi.....he somehow looked more hopeless then I did......this is just.....so.....hope.....less....

Suddenly monokuma appeared in front of us "aww how sad, you made it out to only realize that you didn't make it out at all, did you really think it would be that easy?"....monokuma was right we were dumb to think that a door would be the only thing standing in our way of the outside world.....but still......it was our hope and to have it taken away from us like that....."since you two found out first why don't you go tell the others. Despair spreads amongst a group of people like a fire.....now GO, DO IT NOW, GET OUT OF HERE" Monokuma yelled before dissapearing "o-o-okay....." I said in a whisper like tone as I grabbed shuichi's hand and walked back into the building....i stopped at my dorm room and looked at shuichi "i-im getting kind of tired....h-how about we just tell them tomorrow" "Sure....goodnight kokichi" "Goodnight" I let go of shuichi's hand and walked into my dorm room.....i don't think the others will like this news

I walked into the dining hall, shaking quite a bit, I don't want to throw all of my classmates into despair.....but.....i can't hide the truth from them that would feel wrong "h-hey everyone, I have something......important to tell you all" "Is something wrong sweetie? What is so important" Kirumi asked as she set down a new plate of cupcakes. "th-the.....t-the door...." "What about it? Did it kill someone? Please say yes" Kaede said with a smirk "....Don't say stuff like that..." Rantaro said "shuichi and I.......we opened the door.....and.....we saw the world outside....." "Really? What was it like?" Angie said "y-you won't believe me I-if I told you...so....follow me" I said before walking out of the dining hall....we walked for a few seconds before we stopped at the door in question "well open it" Kirumi said with an excited smile.

I reached my arm out and pushed the door open to be greeted by the cage once again. I watched as everyone's hopes shattered all at once.....it was terrible to watch..... "It can't be" I heard tenko say in a whisper "well this isn't right at all...." Rantaro mumbled "bullshit! There's no way this is the truth....r-right?" Kaito mumbled

After that everyone walked back into the dining hall, much more.....depressed than before....after a few moments of eating in sad silence himiko said "hey guys....how about you cheer up a little?" "why would we do that? It's not like we have any reason after what we saw" Rantaro said "well....if you don't have a reason then....then I will give you a reason!" Himiko said as she stood up, setting her half eaten cupcake down and putting her hands on her hips which smeered the sides of her jacket with blue frosting "Everyone! I have just decided that I am going to put on a play so you can cheer up!" Of course that's what the ultimate actress would suggest "that...sounds very fun.....can I participate in this play of yours shortcake?" Kirumi said with a small smile. Himiko blushed at the nickname she was given "of course!" Angie smiled as she raised her hand and stood up "I can be the prop director, I make all of my puppets myself so I have some artistic ability" Angie suggested. A few other people volunteered to help as well, I had the temptation to help but I would probably mess something up so I decided to just watch. With all of these people helping it will probably be ready by tomorrow....i would be lieing if I said I wasn't excited!

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