#34 terrible lies (trial part one)

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(I'm splitting this one because I don't want to ghost you guys again but trials take a while to write)

We stared at each other in accusing silence. None of us wanted to admit it but....we were scared. Scared to uncover the truth......himiko was the one to speak up first "how do we know it wasn't a suicide" I shook my head in dismissal "no....i know rantaro and he had no reason to kill himself....he wanted to survive more than anyone else" Maki sighed "it's obviously a suicide....in fact this is the most simple 'murder' we've delt with" "Hold on a second, if it was a suicide then why did rantaro try to untie the rope" I asked. Himiko raised her eyebrow but other than that almost no emotion was shown "huh? What do you mean?" I sighed "I don't know how you didn't notice but rantaro tried to untie the rope before he died, if he wanted to die then he wouldn't have done that" Himiko nodded in understanding "I guess that makes sense....how about we move onto alibis? I was taking a nap in the storage room"....something was wrong with her statement....but I'm not sure what.... "That's a lie" Maki said for me "kokichi and I were in the storage room for a phone call and we didn't see you anywhere, you weren't there"

Himiko looked around nervously before she went back to showing no emotion except boredom and maybe exhaustion "it's because I'm small isn't it! You didn't see me because I'm small so you assume I wasn't there!" Maki shook her head "no that's not it at all I'm just saying that....well"....i guess it did kind of sound like that..... "She has a point...." Kiibo said quietly "fine whatever I guess I'll except your alibi" Maki said as she crossed her arms stubbornly "what about you kiibo?" Himiko asked. Kiibo hummed for a moment as he thought before he confessed "I uh.....i don't have one I forgot what I was doing as the time-" "Actually" I interrupted "kiibo was with me" I lied. Maki gave me a look that said "you're a liar, a dirty liar and I pity you"....it reminded me of the look my dad gave me when I told him about my encounter with the woman- n-nevermind! Stay focused dammit! Himiko seemed to believe my lie "Oh....maki what's your alibi"

"I was with kiibo" She couldn't even let himiko believe my lie for five minutes "so kokichi lied?" Himiko asked as she placed her finger to her lip "N-no! Maki is lieing" Kiibo yelled back. That's when monokuma stepped in "show of hands, who thinks kokichi is lieing" Maki and himiko looked confused for a second before slowly raising their hands "kiibo, kokichi, you think Maki is lieing right?" We both nodded. Monokuma smirked "that means you're split right down the middle you know what that means.....SCRUM DEBATE!" God no! I hate hights! Please not again....unfortunately my prayers weren't answered and I hugged onto my podium as we ascended.....to be honest I'm surprised I didn't just say "fuck it" and jump off of the podium by now.

Himiko started us off "you can spot a liar by the tone they use, kokichi was so nervous he didn't even seem to believe his own lie" "Kiibo!" "You're saying that like kokichi is the most confident person in the world suddenly acting shy" Then Maki "I was WITH YOU kiibo! You're seriously going to take his side?" "....i guess I'll take this one?" "Kiibo said he doesn't remember right?" "THIS IS OUR-" "THIS ISN'T OVER!" They interrupted us....rude....they continued without a hitch "you aren't the forgetful type kiibo and you suddenly happen to forget what you were doing at the time? Yeah that believable" Himiko said sarcastically "K....kiibo?" "......ehhh.....well....uh....." "You don't want them to know right? That's why you are with the liar....because what you were doing was SUSPICIOUS AS HELL" " ......." They smiled "THIS is the real answer" They concluded.....im really bad at scrum debates aren't I....

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