#33 keep it together

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I turned around and I saw maki who was clearly pissed himiko who could honestly care less and kiibo who immediately started crying once he saw the body....i turned back towards the body and stepped away 'I should've died instead' I thought to myself if I could sacrifice myself to bring back everyone who died I would take that deal in a heartbeat....tsumugi kaede shuichi rantaro.....i just want them back.....i.....i don't know what to think any more. At the very least someone is coming to save us....i stared at rantaro, then the rope he was hanging from 'you don't mind if I use this do you?' I thought to myself with a small smile. I never was good at tieing ropes so I'm glad the killer did it for me. Just as I reached towards rantaro to take his place as the hanging body I stopped myself.....i don't have anything to live for, all the places I know are probably already gone, everyone I know definitely don't remember me so why am I stopping.....

"please survive kokichi! If not for yourself then for me" I remembered shuichi saying before......he was beheaded....."I know you're too stupid to understand this but I need you to survive....i don't want you dying to some boring loser in this godforsaken place" I remembered reading off of kaede's goodbye paper.....they both want me to survive so I can't give up like a....a....a pathetic worthless waste of time.....i have more important things to do than kill myself anyway I need to solve a murder. I glanced around the room quickly before I saw I picture on the ground just below rantaro's feet next to some of rantaro's fingernails....i picked up the picture that was smeared in blood and flipped it around to see a picture of rantaro and i. I had my arm wrapped around rantaro's waist and rantaro was smileing and holding up the peace sign.

..we both looked so happy...ive never been this happy during the killing game....well....until earlier today of course and I don't remember taking this picture

::blood smeared picture has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook::

I looked to the right and got closer to the strange object I've found....it was a plastic bottle....it kind of reminded me of the plastic bottle kiibo had during the second class trial....i think he said it was a chemical that calmed people down?....i think I could use that I'm starting to panic. I opened the bottle and placed it to my lips but....the bottle was empty, of course it was

::empty bottle has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook::

I tossed the empty bottle to the right with a small sigh before looking around the room with a sigh "there's nothing just a bottle a picture a body and a chair"

::kicked over chair has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook::

Huh? The chair is important? I clicked on the picture of the chair and read the description quickly "while someone was hanging rantaro he started kicking his legs causeing the chair to get kicked across the room" Short and to the point...but it didn't answer much about-.............

I got it.....

I turned towards the doorframe but everyone had already left so now I need to track down the suspect.....great......i ran out of the room and wandered around trying to find them and eventually I did "kiibo be honest with me.....did you kill rantaro" Kiibo's face went pale as I asked the question. He quickly shook his head "n-no! Of course not!" "But then why was one of your belongings found at the crime scene" "I-i don't know!" "You seem nervous" "Im always nervous".....thats true actually "Come on kiibo just confess" "But I didn't do it" "Yes you did, you obviously did" "Why are you accusing me" "Stop avoiding the-" "JUST LISTEN TO ME" The room was dead silent for a moment before kiibo cleared his throat and said "I didn't kill anyone....maybe someone stole my chemical without me noticing I don't know but i would never kill anyone" I sighed. "I.....i don't buy it but I will choose to believe you"

*ding dong dong ding*

"Uh so uhm.....im getting a little bored so IT'S TRIAL TIME"

He never gives us enough time! I groaned with minor annoyance before grabbing kiibo by the hand gently and leading time to the trial room dispite him saying that he could walk himself

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