#3 a door to the outside world

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"Hey you two!" Shuichi and I heard from behind us so we turned around to see....a girl with blue hair, a red bowtie, a white shirt, a blue skirt, and blue knee socks and a boy with green hair in a blue doctor uniform....he was super tall....it intimidated me a little "we found a door that might lead to the outside world come on!" The girl said before gesturing for us to follow her and running down the hallway. Shuichi and I exchanged worried looks before following them to....wherever they were leading us too. "Y-you know who they are r-right" I asked shuichi as we were running. He nodded "tsumugi shirogane, ultimate librarian....although I have been theorizing that she may be the ultimate mastermind um- but the other one is korekiyo shinguji ultimate surgeon, he can complete a complex surgery in forty five minutes, it truly is admireable isn't it"

When we finally stopped we were at....a door "there's no way it would be that easy....right?" I stepped towards the door but before I could place my hand on it shuichi yelled "DONT TOUCH THAT DOOR!" I immediately froze "Eep!....wh-why" I asked lightly as my voice shook with fear. Shuichi pushed me aside lightly as he took off his tie "if my theory is correct then...." I stood in shock as he threw his tie at the door....for a few seconds all we heard was the cracking of electricity...i was in a ball on the floor covering my ears and I could still hear it....when I opened my eyes I saw that shuichi's tie was on the floor, burnt up "just as I thought! An electric fence! Ah~ the feeling you get when your theories are proven correct is incomparable to anything else" Shuichi said with a strange expression on his face....."shuichi are you feeling alright...." Korekiyo asked shuichi "I believe that facial expression is called 'ahegao'.....but I don't know for sure" Tsumugi added. Shuichi shook his head as he snapped out of his strange state of mind "uh....sorry sometimes I can get....caught up in things"

I slowly got off of the floor and approached shuichi "th-thank you for saving my life" I said as I looked towards the floor "what do you mean?" "I-if you didn't stop m-me I could've died so that means you technically....s-saved my life" Shuichi looked a little surprised "oh...i guess I did.....i didn't really think of it like that...well um you're welcome"

After that shuichi, tsumugi, korekiyo and I walked away from the door a bit disappointed.....and then we heard an announcement from that weird bear thing *ding dong bing bong* "it is now officially night time! Which means that"....i accidentally tuned out the rest. As I was walking to the dorm rooms with the others I saw kaede leaning against a wall....she looked bored.

I approached kaede only to hear, "how pathetic.....another variable in a sea of constants it's all so....." "Kaede? Wh-what are you mumbling about" I asked lightly which got her attention "oh it's you again....what do you want" "I-i just want to hang out with you" "Hah! I have no interest in boreing people like yourself, leave me alone" I looked at the ground and was about to leave when kaede said "then again...its not like I have anything better to do with my time....you know.....i am a little interested in whatever is behind that useless exterior" Kaede said as she smacked me on the arm which made me flinch "tell me something about yourself....something interesting" "U-um...im pretty good at playing chess....ive won a championship game once" "Really? Then play chess with me and prove it even though I'm sure I'll win" "O-okay Sure!"

I spent a few hours playing chess with kaede.....she seemed to enjoy it....and i would be lieing if I said that I didn't enjoy it too

Kaede and I grew a little closer today.

After losing for the forth time in a row she huffed and leaned back on her chair "Alright you can leave now" She said as she crossed her arms "....before I go...I uh...i have something to give to you" I said before I gave kaede the checkered scarf I found in the locker with me when I first woke up here....she seemed to like it "this is....hmph, supriseing someone as boring as you would have this....but thanks" Kaede looked at the scarf and tied it around her waist....she looked cute with it on I'm not going to lie "Y-youre welcome"

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