#24 keebo.exe has stopped working

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We were sitting on the floor of the elevator. Shuichi was currently resting my head on his thighs once again but this time I felt more comfortable resting on him because I know that he isn't a murderer now.... The elevator doors opened and I got up so I could go to kaede's dorm and sulk over her loss when shuichi stopped me "Koki" "Y-yeah?" "You didn't forget did you" I paused as I thought briefly....i don't think i forgot anything "F-forget....what?" "You said you would take a bath with me as an apology for accusing me of murder" My face turned red with blush once again....i had completely forgotten about that agreement that I made....but in my defense I didn't think shuichi would survive the trial "I.....f-fine....lets j-just get it over with"

On the way to the bathhouse a few people joined us so they could talk to keebo and then more people joined and more until it was basically everyone who was left. We opened the door to see keebo exactly where we left him one day ago and he turned on automatically once the door was opened. "Oh you are back welcome!....where is iruma-san akamatsu-san and shinguji-kun? Are they asleep or something?" We all looked at each other, having a silent argument over who would tell him what happened to the three mentioned "um.....yes.....and they will be 'asleep' for a really long time" Maki said awkwardly "I'm afraid that I do not understand" "They died" Rantaro said bluntly. Keebo's eyes widened as he was given the news "d-died! Wh- h-how did they die?"  "Kaede and Miu were dismembered and korekiyo....got cut....really bad" Rantaro explained still keeping an unapologetically blunt tone

".............oh" Keebo responded simply as he looked down slightly "......she must've snapped......i can't believe it" Keebo said I'm a depressed tone....who must've snapped? "Well....um I brought a laptop for you if it cheers you up" Maki said as she set down a laptop on a bench thing In the middle of the room, which seemed to cheer keebo up slightly "oh good! That means I can at least be of use to you all..." Keebo said as he sat down next to the laptop "could someone....help me? I can't exactly do it myself...." Keebo asked "i'll h-help you" I said before I walked behind him and kneeled down "okay do you see a black panel on my back?" "Umm....y-yes" "please remove it"

I continued following instructions until he stopped responding. I sat there confused for a bit before I heard something come from the laptop, a voice, "hello? Hello? Can you hear me? Hold on a moment I may need to adjust the volume" We all gathered around the computer to see keebo, as promised "okay, can you hear me now?" Keebo asked again "yes we can hear you" I answered for all of us. "hey....if you're in there then how is that thing still on" Maki asked, referring to the metal body which was still turned on and was looking around as if it was bored

"Oh, parts of my consciousness is still in the metal body just incase the laptop suffers damage....but unfortunately with me in the laptop it can't talk, and It has forgotten quite a few things so talking to it would be useless" Keebo explained the metal body heard this and crossed his arms, seemingly offended everyone else started asking questions that didn't interest me so I got up and left the bathhouse.

I walked into kaede's dorm so I could sulk like I wanted too and I saw a notebook on her bed so I, of course, picked it up and opened it

'Hey! If you're reading this that means that I'm most likely dead....that really sucks doesn't it? But before I died I decided to write a final goodbye for you all since I most likely didn't get to say goodbye properly before I was murdered....If you're kokichi turn two pages if you're shuichi turn three pages if you're anyone else turn to the next page only read yours or I'll come back as a ghost and kill you.....nah I'm just kidding but seriously don't.....please'

I was tempted to turn to shuichi's page but I decided to respect kaede's wishes to only read my own

' dear kokichi

I have a lot to say to you but it won't fit on these pages so I'm going to have to cut some things out....

I know you're too stupid to understand this but I need you to survive....i don't want you dying to some boring loser in this godforsaken place, and toughen up a little: stop with the stuttering....that is my only wish....got it?

....oh and before I go I want to say thank you....For being my friend....you were the only one who didn't write me off as a bitch.....even though I kinda was.....

i know you're crying because I'm crying as I write this but I want you to stop crying right now, it makes you look ugly.....you didn't stop did you?....alright you can keep crying....just get it all out, we all need a good cry once in awhile even me....

With all of that said and done.....goodbye kokichi..... '

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