#26 surely you understand.....right?

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I got up and walked out of my dorm. I was planning to visit Keebo but I took a moment to I stare in the direction of the hallway where kaede was dismembered........Do I drag my body to the hallway once more just to scream a plead that will go unnoticed and unheard or do I



I decided to visit kaede first "Hey kaede!.....I......why do I even bother anymore.....not with talking to you I enjoy talking with you......just.....i miss you......so much......" I tried to hold it together but I just couldn't do it. Tears began streaming down my face as I broke down and began crying out to no one "I miss hanging out with you!, I miss the rare opportunities when you would smile, I even miss your insults I......i just want to see you one last time....." I felt the warm presence surround me but this time it was an actual person, kiibo "please stop crying.......i-idiot.....it uh....it makes you look ugly....." Kiibo said as I slowly wrapped my arms around him "It's not the same but thank you anyway" That 'vising keebo' idea got thrown right out the window and I spent the rest of the night with kiibo instead

I opened the laptop to see keebo as expected "oh hello ouma-kun! I'm so glad that you're okay! Ever since akamatsu-san and iruma-san were murdered I've been getting really worried about everyone's safety....so....when you didn't visit me i feared the worst....um I can't physically touch you because my body is charging right now but, could you please give me a virtual hug?" Keebo said as got closer to the screen, hugging the screen when he thought he was close enough....i looked at him for a moment before shrugging and hugging the laptop.

"I can't feel you but I assume that you participated so thank you" Keebo said as he backed away slightly "But uh I assume that you didn't come here just to affirm me that you are okay so what would you like to talk about?" Keebo said which reminded me of why I was there in the first place "Right.....do you have access to the cameras?" "Yes actually! I don't know where you found this laptop but it has access to all of the cameras so I am thankful for that" "You should thank rantaro actually he was the one that stole the laptop" Keebo's smile faltered as rantaro was mentioned "Um yes......amami-kun.......i don't want to......speak with him" "Huh? Why?" I asked as i leaned forward....not enough to intimidate him though I made sure of that "um.....well......he is trying to get under my metaphorical skin and I do not appreciate that..." "Did he.....say anything specific that got under your skin? I'm just asking because it might have been unintentional" I said....i knew for a fact that he was trying to antagonize him because I saw the entire conversation but I wanted to know if he would lie to me

"Well um if I told you then you would view me as a suspicious individual and I do not want that. surely you understand.....right?" "Well.....i guess I'll let you go" Is it just me or does keebo seem....kind of suspicious....the fact that he is a robot version of the ultimate chemist, the fact that he knew all of our names without anyone telling him, the way he acted during the conversation he had with Rantaro, the way he's acting right now put that together and....well.... "Ouma-kun? Are you alright? you've been staring into my eyes with a blank expression for a couple of minutes now and I am starting to get mildly uncomfortable" "Eh- ah I'm sorry....but um I should probably leave now I'll see you later keebo" I was originally going to ask him what rooms had cameras and what didn't but....i don't trust him that much he could easily lie to me....i know now isn't the time to be loosing trust in my friends but.... Keebo could be the mastermind so I'll make an exception....

I should probably tell someone about what keebo said....luckily I ran into kaito in the hallway "kaito! I have something important to tell you!" I said as I took a second to catch my breath....he looked tired and ready to murder me "If you're the one that's telling me it's probably not all that important" "But-" "Let me guess, you're sad about kayayday dying or whatever I get it but nobody fucking cares okay" "Her name is pronounced-" "Shut up, you were crying all night so I couldn't get any sleep so you're not worth my damn time" "K-kaito i-" "One more word and I'll kill you and toss your corpse down the fucking stairs" I stayed silent for a moment before kaito sighed

"Listen I....i didn't get much sleep last night so I'm tired and aggravated.....it would be best for you to leave" Kaito said as he crossed his arms, desperately trying to keep his composure "I....u-um....alright....im sorry by the way" I said as I slowly walked away from kaito but I stopped when he said "it's alright just try not to scream and cry all night alright?" "Uh Okay...." "Thanks"

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