#4 a fight in the dining hall

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I was awoken the next day by loud knocking at my door....for a second I thought it was the police but then I remembered I wasn't at home anymore....i don't even think the police know where we are. I sighed as I got up and rubbed my eyes briefly before getting up and opening the door "good morning kokichi how are you" Tsumugi greeted "....t-tierd....why are you here" I mumbled, only half awake "right....well no one knew where you were and shuichi was getting worried so I came to make sure you were okay.....kirumi made breakfast would you like some".....i feel like I've heard that name before....just like shuichi and tsumugi but.....its probably nothing

"Sure b-but who is kirumi" "Oh right you haven't met her yet kirumi tojo is the ultimate confectionist, she makes the best sweets and she herself is also sweet!, now come on, we need to get there before shuichi bursts a blood vessel" "O-oh! Then we should hurry" "Not literally....we should still hurry though"

We walked into the dining hall to see that a fight has broke out between rantaro and someone with purple hair....everyone was chanting "GO RANTARO! KICK HIS ASS! KICK HIS ASS!" I slowly approached kaede and tapped on her shoulder "h-how did this even start" "Kaito was talking all big because he was the only one here who had a girlfriend and rantaro got annoyed so he's putting kaito in his place" Suddenly the one who I assume is kaito was thrown onto the floor and rantaro gave him an elbow drop....then he got up, brushed himself off and said "and that's the end of that" As if he wasn't bruised and his nose wasn't bleeding....im suddenly much more afraid of rantaro "I-is he okay?" I said as I looked at kaito who was still on the floor

"I don't know...." Kaede said with a shrug....i get the feeling that she dosent care about his well-being at all. Tsumugi cautiously walked over to kaito and placed two fingers on his neck....there was silence for a moment as we all collectively wondered if kaito was dead, if rantaro had accidentally started the killing game. Tsumugi looked at us all and made a thumbs up gesture "he's fine" Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief and went back to whatever they were doing before the fight broke out.....until out of nowhere someone stood up and said "hey what's up with hat kid, he looks like he's about to cum in his pants"

I looked at shuichi to see he had that strange facial expression from before on his face but once he noticed everyone was looking at him he ran out of the dining hall, seemingly incredibly embarrassed.....i was about to follow him out but before I opened the door I heard muffled noises so I pressed my ear to the door and listened closely to hear "A-ah~ r-rantaro! Nng you're just s-so amazing~ I want you to f-" At that point I've decided that I've heard enough.....so shuichi looses control of himself when rantaro does....just about anything....Good to know.... After that I awkwardly shuffled away from the door "so? What did you hear?" A girl with long pigtails, a green jacket, a white shirt, a blue tie, and a pale red jacket wrapped around her wait asked "y-y-you don't w-want to know....." "Come on at least whisper it to me if you don't want to say it out loud" The girl insisted. I sighed as I got closer to her and wispered "shuichi....was....um...." I paused for a moment "take your time" The girl said sarcasticaly "he was....m-m-moaning....." She looked at me with a shocked expression "i-if you don't believe me go listen yourself" The girl hesitated for a moment before going to listen. She came back a minute later "I believe you now..."

When shuichi walked back into the dining hall we just kind of stared at him, everyone else ether greeted him or didn't notice "maki, kokichi, Is something wrong" "W-w-we're fine" "Everything is completely normal" We answered at the same time....i could feel maki glareing at me "if you say so....."

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