#38 gun

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It took me hours until I felt it was safe to leave the comfort of my room and start investigating but once I got there I saw a white gun had been placed on the floor close to where I was standing.

I picked up the white gun with shaking hands. I was able to read 'despair'....this....this must be the masterminds gun....what do I do with this? Maybe I should hold onto it so the mastermind can't have it....but I'm pretty weak and they could probably take it back easily....and I'm a coward so I would probably give it back if they asked in a rude tone.... I told maki my dilemma and she said that she had an idea and that I had to wait for it. I walked back to the crime scene and was about to investigate more when suddenly- "HEY! Give me that gun" "Eep! I'm sorry here take it!" I held out the gun without opening my eyes.

Then I opened my eyes to see maki standing there with a disappointed expression. She sighed and then walked away.....what? Was that what I was waiting for?

She did that several times during the investigation and I gave her the gun every time....except for the very last time. "HEY!" I immediately turned and shot in her direction. That could've killed her but she is the ultimate lucky student so the bullet missed her by an inch. She paused before smileing "you're ready"

*ding dong bing bong*

"Um....I'm bored so....everybody head downstairs so we can begin the sixth class trial"

Six already....its only been half a year and there's already been six trials....and there's already been six murders....we must really hate each other huh....in the photo album we looked like such good friends "hey why are you sulking you were just fine a minute ago" I hugged my arm "I used to believe that there was good in everyone....but not anymore....this nightmare ruined me" I was such a good person....what did I do to deserve this.... "Well.... I wouldn't say ruined...you still have a good heart don't you?" I looked down. I guess I do... "I would like to think that" "Exactly, you have a good heart and that's the most important thing it doesn't matter how fuzzy your head is as long as you have a good heart that's good enough....never change okay?" Maki ruffled up my hair and started walking to the elevator.

Before following her I walked towards the rotting corpses. I picked up the pin on the boys jacket and read it 'makoto naegi:future foundation' I stared at the pin before throwing it and rushing out of the room. I didn't see that. It isn't real. I didn't read that. It never happened.

While we descended. I stared at the elevator doors eagerly waiting for them to open. It was dead silent except for the soft creek of the elevator no one spoke in fear of saying the wrong thing and seeming suspicious.....and then it came to a stop with a dinging noise to acompony the opening doors. I took a breath in to steady my nerves and walked into the trial room. This will be the last trial

I'm going to end it

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