#10 motive videos

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I walked into my dorm to see an....i pad or something on a small table in front of me.....i wonder what this is....i picked it up and fliped it over 'monopad' I read. I turned it back around and turned it on to see....me as a child

"Kokichi ouma was a lovely child, always happy to help, loved making friends, and was there for anyone who needed someone to talk too"

The pictures were of me as a child talking happily with people....

"Because of this he was easily manipulated and once the wrong person figured this out his days of happiness were over"

The pictures showed me being laughed at and having my stuff torn apart

"He lost all his friends and he was relentlessly teased his own mother didn't skip out on the teasing either but she took a more.....physical approach"

The picture was me looking scared of a female shadow looming above me....she was holding scissors in her hand and a cell phone in the other....i still have scars from that day....

"His only friend now is a stray cat that he named dice"

The picture changed to my cat sitting next to me...the cat had a checkered scarf on.

"What a sad day it would be if something really bad happened to the poor poor cat"

They have dice?! How did they get ahold of him! My own mother doesn't know of his existence so how did they- my panicing thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my door I opened it to see himiko standing there with a monopad in her hand "hey kokichi I found this thing on a table.....want to watch it with me?" I looked at her monopad then at mine....hers was red and mine was purple like our hair colors.....probably so they wouldn't get mixed up. Without thinking I snatched the monopad out of her hands and held it above my head "hey! Give it back!" She exclamed as she reached for it "y-you don't want to watch it! Trust me!" She didn't give up despite my warning and she pushed me over onto my back making me drop the monopad and it turned on automatically.....i could only hear the video

"Himiko yumeno is a talented young girl, acting in thousands of plays, from school talent shows to Hollywood musicals however talent like her's comes with a price.....The only friend she has left is her acting coach who she has grown very close too....it would be such a shame is something happened to her.....right?"

I looked at himiko.....she looked terrified "i-i......sh-sh-she.....h-h-h" She stuttered mindlessly before crying out "MEIKA" "What? Wh-who is meika?" I asked as I got off my back "Meika yoshida she is my acting coach and my best friend....i thought I lost her....she got really sick and I didn't hear from her again but it turns out she is alive!.....and she might die if no one commits murder" Himiko explained to me before pausing and asking "where is yours, you must have one too right?" as she smashed her monopad on the ground and stomped on it angerly "well...its back at my room? Why" "I'm going to destroy it....ILL DESTROY THEM ALL!" Himiko yelled as I looked at her run away into my room....i heard the video again before the sound of an electronic device being thrown at the wall.

Himiko ran out of my room and into another then another then another, leaving a trail of broken devices in her wake....when she was finally done she seemed like she had gotten all of her anger out. "Wh-why did you do that?" I asked lightly with fear in my voice "no one should have to have their emotions played with for the sake of a stupid motive! So I destroyed them all, to protect everyone's feelings" "B-but their loved ones are in d-danger!" "And they'll never know which means that they can be happy and not worry about their loved ones.....we have enough to worry about right now....i don't think we should add more" Himiko paused before stretching a bit and yawning "um....that took a lot out of me....can you clean up the monopad guts for me" I nodded slowly before getting up and walking into rantaro's room first....it was an absolute massacre with monopad parts thrown around the room.....well this is going to be fun to clean

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