#17 a mistake too late to fix

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((Trigger warning, mentions of rape and pedophilia keep that in mind as you read....))

It was now officially night time according to monokuma....shuichi decided to go to sleep and tell rantaro whatever he wanted to tell him tomorrow so I had no one to talk too as I walked through the empty earily quiet hallway....i considered turning back but tenko said I need to have confidence and I'M NOT AFRAID OF THE DARK.....or that's what I tell myself anyway to be honest I've been afraid of the dark ever since.....that day......oh you don't know what's going on right? Let me fill you in....right after shuichi went into his dorm the power went out and the others are sending me to fix the power because they said 'it's not like there will be any ghosts and if there is you'll be able to handle it you're a paranormal investigator after all!' i was a paranormal investigator....and i wasn't the ghost busters I dealt with other types of paranormal things like an evil camera that kills the people in the photos it takes.....im not joking that actually happened


Something grabbed my shoulder

......its like I was back in that situation and I reacted as if it was happening again.....i immediately cried out and basically threw their hand off of my shoulder "get away from me!" I yelled as I backed up before my back hit a wall....i think they tried to say something but all I heard was her voice "don't worry sweetie I'll be gentle with you I promise" I yelled as I curled into a ball and covered my ears "please just let me go! I'm begging you please!" "Kokichi! It's me kiibo! Please snap out of it!".....what? I slowly opened my eyes and saw the teal eyed boy and not the pink eyed woman. Once he saw that I calmed down a bit he pulled me into an embrace and we both sat there in silence ".....be honest with me.....did anything traumatic happen to you that would cause you to act in that way" Kiibo asked lightly....

"Y-yes...." I answered "im listening" I let out a shakey breath before telling him what happened on that one day


I approached the door with a smile, this was my last investigation of the day so I was excited. I knocked on the door rhythmically and waited for the door to open. I heard shuffling and then the door opened revealing a much older woman....i was getting a strange feeling from her but I decided to ignore it "Oh you are ouma kokichi right? You're much cuter in real life" I nodded....that was supposed to be a compliment? I think? "Well, come in I'm so glad you're here strange things have been happening in the basement why don't you go check it out" My smile faltered as I walked inside of her house.....the feeling intensified, telling me that something was wrong but if I ran away I wouldn't get paid and I would ruin my perfect streak so I had to continue.

It was very strange....i asked her what was happening but during our conversation she dropped things and she kept asking me to bend over and pick up whatever she dropped for her....she looked me up and down and giggled....i was starting to get very uncomfortable but I ignored it once again....i should stay optimistic I'm sure everything will be fine.

I walked into the basement and for some reason the lights wouldn't turn on but that isn't out of the ordinary. I walked downstairs and the door shut behind me so I tried to open it but it was locked....i sighed before continuing onwards with my flashlight. I could've sworn that I heard something in high heels walk down the stairs but that can't be right, the woman was still upstairs right?

I froze as I felt something touch my shoulder so I turned around and saw her "please don't touch me" I said as I removed her hand but she just put it back where it was so I forcefully pushed her away "get away from me!" I usually didn't like yelling but I felt like it was appropriate in this situation "don't worry sweetie"...she kept walking towards me and I kept walking backwards until my back hit a wall "....i think im going to go home now....bye" I said as I walked towards the stairs....

But she grabbed my wrist "you aren't going anywhere, I'm not done with you yet" "Please! Please let me go home I'm begging you!" The woman just giggled as she basically threw me on the floor "don't worry sweetie.....i will be gentle with you I promise"

By the time I finished the story I was basically bawling my eyes out ".....a-a-after that I decided to quit p-paranormal investigating....." Kiibo looked shocked "she....she raped you? Why didn't you tell the police" "Th-they wouldn't b-believe me....." I mumbled lightly "kokichi..." "I know i-i-it was stupid of me to think th-that everything would be o-okay! It was m-my fault that h-happened to me i-i probably could've f-faught her off b-but-" "Nothing was your fault kokichi please dont blame yourself"

Instead of fixing the power like I was supposed to I cried into kiibo's shirt for about an hour....

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