#16 ultimate blackmailer

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After the execution kiibo and shuichi carried kaito into the elevator and we stood there in silence.....he killed her so....brutaly "how ironic" Shuichi said as he sighed softly "she asked to be killed quickly but that took....hours...." Shuichi said as he laid down on the floor. I decided to lay next to him and then kaede layed down next to me "so are we having a floor party now?" She asked sarcastically "I-i think so...?....i just did what shuichi did b-but honestly....i don't see the appeal....." Kaede let out a small laugh and said "yeah....i don't either" As we continued to stare at the ceiling "if you don't see the appeal then why did you do it" Shuichi mumbled, probably annoyed with her existence "Is it a crime to want to spend time with my f-.....my fr....." Kaede couldn't seem you finish her sentence "Do you mean 'friends'?" I suggested "yeah that" She considers us friends? Not even just me but shuichi too? "Friends..." Shuichi mumbled. I looked over at shuichi....he seemed surprised "is there something wrong with that, emo hat?" Kaede said as she glanced at shuichi "....no it's just....unexpected" I paused for a moment before asking "H-hey why do y-you hate kaede so much shuichi" Shuichi sighed, staying silent for a moment before answering

"I think that the ultimate blackmailer talent is.....awful so I thought the person who had that talent would be awful too....so I looked into her past and I was right her past was terrible but she's actually.....an okay person with her past aside" Shuichi answered "Wow what a complement" Shuichi shrugged and stayed silent and resumed staring at the ceiling

(Everyone else in the elevator are just standing there like: *lip smack* tea sis)

When the elevator doors opened kaede got up first then helped me up but she hesitated as she looked as shuichi.....she looked as if she was remembering one of the many insults shuichi threw at her.....she gave him a glare and walked out of the elevator. Shuichi looked at kaede as she walked away with a strange expression,some combination of disappointment and confusion along with something I couldn't exactly place....i was about to say something when i was startled by tenko "hey kokichi you look a little stressed....miu and I were about to go hang out for a bit to get our minds off things, you can come too if you want" I considered her offer before smileing, that actually sounds nice after all....I haven't been able to spend that much time with miu "sure i-ill see you later bye shuichi" I said as I waved goodbye to him, he gave me a small wave in return before miu and tenko lead me outside and into the....gambling place or whatever they would call it

I spent a few hours playing poker with miu and tenko....tenko mostly watched us play poker but she played sometimes....i think we all enjoyed it.

Tenko, miu and I grew a little closer

"Hah! I knew I would win!" Miu exclamed as she won for the first time in the past three rounds.....every time someone won a round they would get monocoins so she was extremely happy about winning. Tenko and I clapped our hands together with smiles on our faces "good job miu" I said as I gave her a monocoin "Hey what do these coins even do?" Tenko asked "oh I think they go in that thing....i think it's called a monomono machine" I answered as I approached the machine in question and looked at it strangly "what does it do?" Miu asked.....i put a coin in the monomono machine and it dispensed two bows, one blue one yellow, I stared at the gift I got and looked at tenko before approaching her and handing them to her "I don't know why it gave me this but do you want them?" Tenko's eyes lit up as she gently took the bows from my hands "oh thank you kokichi I love them" Tenko said as she replaced the black bows in her hair with the yellow and blue ones

"Hey! I want something too!" Miu exclamed which made me jump and I ran back to the monomono machine "o-okay o-o-okay okay" I repeated with fear as I put the coin into the machine.

Once we returned back into the building I saw shuichi sitting on the floor so I told Miu and tenko that I had somewhere to be and sat next to him "hey.....a-are you okay? Y-you seem I l-little sad" Shuichi looked at me with a smile "I'm not sad, I just.....i wanted to talk to rantaro but I couldn't build up the confidence.....pathetic right?" "I could talk to him for you.....i-if you want" Shuichi looked surprised and shook his head quickly "no I um....what I need to tell him is important so....i need to tell him myself" I shrugged lightly "alright....if that's what you want"

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