#39 memories going up in flames

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I stood at my podium and immediately presented the gun "who's gun is this?" Kiibo backed up and fell off of his podium by accident "j....just put the gun down w-we can talk about this can't we? P-please don't shoot me" I paused before setting the gun down and rushing to help kiibo up "no no kiibo i-i would never shoot you" "Where did you find the gun?" Tenko asked "um in the... Dining hall entrance" I said as I returned to my podium....but the gun had dissapeared. I immediately began freaking out "it's gone! The gun i-its gone! Someone stole it!" I cried "the closest person to kokichi's podium is himiko isn't it?" Everyone looked at himiko "me? I don't have it" I don't think anyone believed her "seriously you can pat me down and everything but I don't have it" She pleaded. Tenko shrugged and walked over to himiko "wait you're actually going to do it!" I said as I backed away a bit.

I covered my eyes and after a few moments tenko said "you can uncover your eyes, she doesn't have it" "What? But....himiko is the closest" Kiibo said "who is the second closest?" Maki asked "no no it's fine" I interjected "using weapons during class trials is against the rules isn't it monokuma?" "Yep! Cuckichi is right! Useing weapons during trials is strictly against the rules" "C-cuckichi!? I'm not a cuck!" Rude....i crossed my arms "ANYway it doesn't matter who has it they can't use it so it's.....useless.....although.....i would feel much safer if I was the one holding onto it"

"Because you're the mastermind right?" Himiko accused out of nowhere. I took a sharp breath in and backed away from himiko "eh? what makes you say that?" The red haired actor looked towards the ground "well....you're constantly sneaking off on your own, you found the gun first, you helped a murderer and you brought a knife with you on our walk" I looked at maki "....she isn't wrong...." I gripped onto my own arm and dug my nails into my arm nervously. I can't be the mastermind! I'm....me and I know me! O-or do i? Maybe I have a split personality and I AM the mastermind I caused all of this suffering!....wait n-no that wouldn't make sense....o-or maybe it does....she makes good points but I just can't understand! FUCK! I looked down at my arm. It was bleeding....but whatever that's not important

"what about himiko! I found this photo album with pictures of us before the killing game and she was only in two pictures!" "....can I see that for a second" "Of course" A handed the photo album over to kiibo. "I koimhy?....who is that?" Kiibo asked. I shrugged. Maki snatched the book from him "well obviously the letters aren't in the correct order I koimhy isn't a real word or a real name so switch up the letters and....." Maki thought for a moment, going through a few possibilities in her mind before she got wide eyes. Then her expression turned more smug as she glared at himiko "switch up the letters and you get himiko y short for himiko yumeno" She looked shocked "w-well you can also make...u-um" "You can make other words but no other names can be spelled"

"...." Out of nowhere himiko burst into tears "WAAAAAAAAAAH! you all think I'm the mastermind? H-how could you? WAAAAAAHAAAAAA" She cried "A-after all we've been through....after all I've been through.....youre just going to turn on me like this.....how could you" I looked away...this is just....pathetic "Kokichi.....please.....look at me" I reluctantly looked into her pitiful eyes and saw nothing but hopelessness "do you really think that....that I'm the mastermind?" "I'm sorry himiko....but youre the only one who could be the mastermind...." She quieted down, looking down at her feet as she quietly sobbed to herself but....i could hear her sobbs being replaced by giggles. Her giggles got louder until the once small giggles transitioned into loud laughter.

Then the fog cleared. Himiko now had a red and gold crown on her head and I think she had contacts on one of her eyes was black the other was white. "I guess I've been caught such a shame" She said as she left her podium and sat in monokuma's chair "to tell you the truth I've been waiting, waiting so long for one of you to figure it out and it just so happened to be the bitch boy ghostbuster" She stood up and reached into her boots, pulling out two guns and holding them in an x shape across her chest. One was black the other was white and together they read "despair girl" I coward back in fear. I trusted her! And she is the one behind this it's all so.... "Please....you can let me go right? Just please let me go home" I begged as I dropped to my knees and bowed down in front of her. This is so degrading...."YOU.DONT.UNDERSTAND.YOU.HAVE.NO.HOME.TO.GO.BACK.TO!" Himiko yelled as she stomped her foot on the ground in anger

"what is that supposed to mean" Kiibo asked. Himiko let out an over dramatic sigh "everything outside went bye bye around three years ago and they put all of you in this school so they could protect you, that's why there is a cage and a wall, to make extra super duper sure that nothing bad got in.....however they didn't think that one of the students would go mad, and yet that's exactly what happened, being trapped with you all it DROVE ME INSANE".....what....." I-i don't understand.....i-i just want to go home" I said as I started to cry, finally crumbling under the pressure "you want to go home? That's what you said right? Well here is what the REAL you said"

It looked like i was speaking to someone.....the headmaster of hopes peak I think "is their anything you want to say before you're put in the school?" I looked at my feet as I responded ".....just.....if shuichi dies.....make sure I don't come back"

I *wanted* to die.....what? "Why....why would you do this!" I cried

"For her, my best friend"


Himiko wrapped her arms around herself "it started a really long time ago. My best friend meika died and i was thrown into the most wonderful despair....then I met a girl named junko enoshima she said was drawn to my despair and she said it almost matched hers! we immediately became the best of friends. I admired her killing games and I idolized her more than anything.....but.....then it all came to a screeching hault.....she died.....and I was alone......" She paused, wiped her tears and then continued. "After that I was put into this school with you all....i loved all of you....but then it all got boring, being around she same people all dreaming of the same thing, and I longed for the excitement junko gave me. So....i decided to continue her legacy with a killing game of my very own! And now that I've been found out it's time for me to go to junko, I mean I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome would i?"....i didn't care about a thing she said, just the mindless ramblings of a murderer

"I.....WAS BORN TO PLAY THE VILLAN! I STUDIED FOR MY WHOLE LIFE JUST SO I COULD PLAY THIS PART I am the greatest actor YOU ALL WILL EVER SEE.....and now its time for my final bow......everyone please.......GIVE ME A ROUND OF APPLAUSE!" She pressed the button that would end it all and her execution began

Himiko yumeno execution

That's a wrap


Himiko gave us a bow as a stage was set up behind her she looked so happy to die. I noticed we were all in the auditorium seats and next to me was a....doll or something that looked exactly like shuichi...it was hard to look at.....we were in the exact same position we were in during the play that killed kirumi which was even worse. thats when the music began. It was out of tune and unnerving to listen too. She began acting....it was an incredible performance (as expected from the ultimate actress) but then we heard gun fire. The first bullet lodged itself into himiko's thigh but she continued acting her heart out. Bullet after bullet was fired into the petite female. On top of being shot at a fire was started on stage left slowly growing until it engulfed the stage completely but himiko just kept acting. The music sped up. The combination of loud out of tune fast music, bullets, fire and himiko's acting was....hard to listen too to say the absolute least.

Her performance lasted for hours but her smile never faultered up until she collapsed to the ground and a chandelier fell on top of her. The doll of shuichi and everyone else who died stood up and started clapping. "Come on we need to get out of here!" tenko yelled as she ran out of the auditorium before the fire could get any bigger. Maki and kiibo followed shortly after but I stuck around. First I looked at the doll of shuichi. "Shuichi....." I paused and gave him a hug "this may be the last time i ever see you so I want to say....that I forgive you....i hope we can still be friends" then I moved on to rantaro. I cupped the dolls cheek and felt tears building up "you didn't need to sacrifice yourself....things are going to be a lot less interesting without you around" ....then something caught my eye, kaede.

I was honestly scared to approach her....the memory of her.....hurts....i reluctantly approached the doll of kaede and gave her a hug. She always hated hugs but....i want to hug her one last time. I stood there in silence before I felt my back getting hot which means that the fire is spreading "I survived.....i did it.....i hope.....i-i hope I made you proud of me" I paused once again. The heat was getting closer. "When we meet again in heaven.....lets play chess together....okay? Just like we used to" I let go of her but I had one last thing to do....i untied the bloodied scarf from my wrist and tied it around kaede's waist where it belongs....then I left...leaving behind the painful memory of the killing game but never forgetting the friends I made, the friends I've lost....they will always be with me....forever

The end

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