#22 an endless tragedy

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Shuichi giggled as he was insulted which made me get more annoyed with him "can you just let me go now I should probably be i-investigating instead of spending my time with a psycho like y-you" Shuichi didn't let me go completely his grip just loosened slightly, just enough for me get away from him if I really wanted to....so I took the opportunity and got up. I started walking towards the door but before I left I paused and turned around "shuichi I......" I trailed off as I thought over what I was going to say one last time....shuichi looked over with a confused expression "were you going to say something kokichi?" He asked.... "Its nothing.....i'll see you at the class trial.....bye"

I approached the kitchen as the smell of blood got more intense.....i stopped in my tracks.....my legs refused to move and I felt the shock from when I first discovered miu's body....i don't think I can do this alone thankfully tenko was walking passed me,bprobably walking towards the gym "t-tenko! Um....could you help me investigate.....p-please" I asked timidly. She froze and turned around "help you investigate....well sure but isn't that what shuichi does" "W-well he is currently a.....what was the word......s-suspect? And if I'm being honest I don't want to be alone....w-with him......he scares m-me sometimes" She nodded slightly "I see....dont worry I will protect you from that.....that degenerate" She said as she put her arm around me protectively. I laughed lightly "y-you don't need to do that" "Yes I do! You are my friend and I refuse to let any harm come to you or kaito" Tenko insisted. It became clear that she was taking this more seriously then I was. I stayed silent as I gesgured for her to follow me and I began walking towards the crime scene...i appreciated her efforts but deep down I knew that she was doing nothing more than waisting her energy

"Okay we should probably.....huh?" "What wrong t-tenko?" Tenko picked something up off the ground neer the corpse and showed it to me.....shuichi's hair that had been left at the scene.....that confirmed it......shuichi was there......he must've killed them.....i let out a wimper at the thought, dispite already having a pretty firm belief that it was him I didn't expect to have it confirmed.....at least not like this.

::shuichi's hair has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook::

Tenko put the hair down where she found it and started looking for other evidence in the room.....i decided to check the body......i didn't find much but I did notice that the cuts were extremely precise.....almost suspiciously precise.....i might need to congratulate shuichi for being able to get the cuts this clean.... Don't get me wrong I still hate him for killing my friends but I feel like I have to give credit where it's due.....or maybe I don't......who knows

::precision cuts has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook::

Tenko eventually approached me with a disappointed look on her face "all I found was a mask on the floor.....nothing much" "What? Like....a mask th-that you would wear on h-halloween? Wh-where did he even..." Tenko shook her head "no, a surgical mask kinda like the one korekiyo wears but it's white instead of purple" Tenko corrected

::mask has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook::

Another scream of terror echoed though the halls so we rushed to the source and found yet another nightmare....

Rantaro was dead....but he wasn't dismembered just stabbed in the stomach....i got closer to his body only for him to shoot up and yell "gotcha!" I was startled but tenko was unimpressed "did you really fake a stab wound just so you could startle us?" "N-no I didn't fake anything......someone d-did stab me but i thought I would startle you for a quick laugh....ehehe seeeeeeee?" Rantaro lifted up his shirt so we could see his stab wound.....yeah he wasn't faking anything "gross! Who did that to you?" Tenko asked as she turned her face away from him "sh.......shhhhhi" Rantaro fell backwards onto the floor....the blood loss must be getting to him.....but I think he was trying to say shuichi "sorry.......about.......thatttt ehehe" He apologized in a mumble like tone "w-w-we should get you to the nurses office right away!" "No! N-nonononono I'm fiiiine I'll be fine" Rantaro insisted as he grabbed at my shirt. Tenko looked at me with confusion before picking rantaro up and carrying him out of the room, saying "I'll be back in a second" On her way out

::stab wound has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook::

*ding dong bing dong*

"Uhm....uh......im getting bored sooooo everyone please head to the red door of the first floor and we will begin the third class trial"

I sighed heavily as the announcement played.....its time for another trial and another execution.....here we go.....

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