#31 turning a bad situation even worse

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(my motivation just poofed out of existence BUT I REFUSE TO ABANDON THIS STORY it's almost done,just a few more chapters to go, I can do this)

After rantaro left I got off of the dirty, crumbleing, elevator floor and started looking for anything that could help us out.....but first I should probably find kiibo he sounds absolutely terrified "Kiibo? Are you-" "KOKICHI?" He interrupted. He sounded close.....but it could be that he was yelling and that's why he sounded so close..... "Kiibo, please follow the sound of my voice and you'll eventually reach me...maybe...." I said "I'll try my best to keep talking, you have to try and make your way towards me" I rambled on about random things for awhile before I saw the back of kiibo's shirt "kiibo! Over here!" Kiibo quickly turned around and smiled once our eyes met.

Without warning kiibo rushed forwards and hugged me tightly "kiibo don't hug me-....gross" "Whats the matter? Do you....not want my affection?" "Thats not it but....well" Kiibo's clothes were basically covered in black stuff which I think is oil. Even though my uniform was black so you couldn't notice the oil I could smell it and it was disgusting "oh right sorry" Kiibo said before letting me go "im sorry I accidentally got stuff on your face.....let me help you" Kiibo said as he leaned forwards "eh-stop it I can get it myself" "Its my fault I got it on your face so I'll clean it" I decided to stand still instead of fighting him on the kind gesture. Out of nowhere monokuma popped up and said "please go to your podiums, I have an announcement to make" It scared kiibo so bad that he fell forwards onto me which made me loose my balance and I fell backwards as well.

I opened my eyes slowly to see kiibo on top of me, both arms on either side of me. I looked at him and let out a small wimper "eh- ah! Im so sorry!" Kiibo apologized quickly once he saw our position "It's fine just get off of me please" Kiibo nodded and slowly got up off me then helped me up off of the floor "you heard monokuma right? it sounded.....really.....important" I said as I stared at our podiums...i have a bad feeling about monokuma's announcement...."well, come on" Kiibo walked to his podium and I walked to mine, we were the only ones who weren't there which made me a little self conscious. "Now that you're all here, excludeing tenko of course, I have an announcement to make.....the motive!" Motive? Oh right I forgot we had those. People have been killing each other for their own reasons so we didn't really get motives, we did didnt need them, which is a little sad if you think about it.....if tsumugi could see us now she would be crying

"I will not fix the elevator until someone here commits murder" My eyes widened as I heard his announcement. "So what next!? Are you not going to give tenko back unless someone commits murder too?" Rantaro suggested angerly "See, I've been thinking about that but I just don't know if I want to do it or not" Wait- he was actually considering it? But that's insane! Tenko is a person not a motive....then again we are In a killing game where the only way to loose is get killed or give up so maybe this is all insane....no, this is definitely insane "why don't you just give her back now, be reasonable for once" Maki suggested "I can't do that, she's not done in the oven" "You're baking tenko!?" Himiko said in shock "no, she isn't done healing so I can't give her to you her ribs are still broken so if i gave her to you she would be wobblely and droopy and I don't think you want a droopy tenko right"

"Well....not really...." I mumbled "that's what I thought, so get killing if you want to see your friend again" "But you said-" "I changed my mind" And then he was gone "oh....well then....." I heard rantaro mumble before walking away "ehhh I'm going to go take a nap"himiko said as she walked away.....what did I do to deserve this.....

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