#2 strange people

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After the black and white teddy bear left everyone decided to explore the school.....or everyone except for shuichi and some boy with green hair he just stood there.....he looked like he was deep in thought. I cautiously approached him and tapped him on the shoulder "u-um hello....w-what is your name" I greeted in the nicest voice I could....although the look on his face was scaring me a little bit....i couldn't place an emotion but I think he had a look of fear, anger, and annoyance on his face all at once but he brightened up when he looked at me "oh hey, my name is rantaro amami, ultimate adventurer" He said as he stuck his hand out for a handshake.

I looked at him for a moment then timidly shook his hand "um....are you okay? You're shaking.....a lot" I glanced back at shuichi but he was just watching our interaction with an interested look on his face "i-im just a little n-nervous" "Oh...is it about this...strange situation we're in?" I nodded slowly "dont worry we'll find a way out of here before anyone even has the chance to commit murder" Rantaro said as he gave me a hug to try and calm me down.....it worked and I felt slightly more relaxed

"A-are you sure" I asked after a moment "of course I'm sure." I looked at the floor for a moment before retreating back to shuichi's side "sh-shuichi i-i think we should-" "I can't believe you just talked to the ultimate adventurer!" Shuichi interrupted me with a smile "w-what do you mean?" "You don't know!?" I shook my head slowly before letting out a slight, pathetic, wimper "d-did I do something wrong?" "No you just did something amazing! He is the bravest adrenaline junkie the world has ever seen.....he is truely amazing not to mention..." As shuichi rambled on about rantaro and how amazing he was I grabbed his hand and lead him out of the room.

"Shuichi...l-look d-do you know who she is" I asked shuichi as I pointed at a girl with blond hair, a white button up shirt, a black skirt and black knee socks with white stripes "oh that's kaede Akamatsu, the ultimate blackmailer she knows everything about everyone....you should stay out of her way if you don't want your reputation to be ruined" Shuichi explained while glaring at the girl "h-how do you know all of this stuff about us" I asked. "oh! um I'm online constantly researching you ultimates and creating theories that have of course been proven true, it's very fascinating" Shuichi explained "hey creeps go stare at someone else! you're annoying me" Kaede yelled at us which made me jump slightly "o-okay w-we are sorry...come on shuichi let's go" I said as I grabbed shuichi's hand again "no we are not sorry" "Shuichi! Wh-what are you doing" He looked at me with a strange look in his eyes....it scared me "don't worry I don't have a reputation for her to ruin!" "Th-th-that dosent matter i-i don't want t-to make any enemies" Shuichi sighed heavily before glareing at kaede one last time and deciding to let it go "fine..." He said simply before we walked away from her.

We walked around for a bit until we discovered a library where we found someone with white hair, a blue jacket, black pants and checkered sneakers on the ground crying....."d-do you know who that is?" I asked shuichi quietly "I can't get a good look at his face so I can't tell which one it is, there are a lot of white haired ultimates" He responded. I slowly approached the crying boy and put my hand on his shoulder "hey....wh-whats wrong" I asked in a gentle voice. The boy took a moment to respond to me "I don't know where I am and I've been put into another killing game I.....I DON'T WANT TO DIE" The boy cried out in between sobs "that sounds like kiibo idabashi, the ultimate chemist....it is rumored that he was in a killing game before but none of the rumors have been proven true....until right now I guess" I heard shuichi mumble as I tried to calm the boy down but he just kept crying no matter what I did....i don't think he wants to trust me. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and when I looked up I saw shuichi "I think we should just leave him alone for now" He said. I glanced at kiibo before standing up with a sigh "o-okay...."

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