#8 elevator chat

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We were standing in the elevator, slowly ascending back to the school where we would be imprisoned once again when rantaro approached me "Hey kokichi can I talk to you for a second" I looked at him for a moment before nodding "s-sure what did you want to talk a-about?" "Well I just wanted to apologize for how I acted during the class trial....." Apologize? Well looking back on it....he did ask questions in a....strangely obnoxious way almost as if he wanted me to mess up

"Surely you have an answer.....right?"
"Why didn't you do anything huh?"

"Yeah that was s-strange....wh-why did you act like that" Rantaro shrugged "I just wanted to test you" "Why" "Well you are....not a confident person so I wanted to make sure you could stand up to someone.....but don't get me wrong just because you finished the test dosent mean you passed" "Huh?" "There will be follow up tests to keep track of progress and they will get progressively more difficult but surely you'll be able to handle it....wont you" Rantaro gave me a sinister glare with a smile before laughing slightly "Im just kidding"

The elevator came to a stop with another small shake and rantaro was the first one to leave....he's doing this because he wishes me the best but....does that make it any better? I shook the thoughts out of my mind before walking out of the elevator and out the red door where kaito was waiting for me "KOKICHI!" He yelled as he grabbed me by the collar and lifted me up into the air "k-kaito what are y-you doing!?" I asked in a shakey voice as I kicked my legs in a futile attempt to break loose from his grip "after loosing the fight with rantaro I need a pick me up so you and me are going to fight right here right now" He set me down and immediately started throwing punches at me which I was able to dodge thanks to my....relatively small size "I know you can do this" I encouraged.....i don't know why I was encouraging him to beat me up but hey, he said he needed a pick me up so I might as well be nice to him right?

This went on for a while, dodging and encouraging and more dodging and more encouragement until he finally managed to land a hit on me.....when he did he seemed proud of himself but....somehow in a non smug way "g-good j-j-job!" I said with a smile "thanks....we should fight again some time that was fun....its good to have a challenge for once"....as if the fight between rantaro and him never happened..."Don't you mean you want to train with me again sometime?" I corrected "What?" "Well I know a little bit about fighting and that technically counted as training....if you want to truely beat me you have to get to know your opponent first...or at least that's what Wikipedia said" "That actually sounds nice...." Out of nowhere a smoke bomb was thrown on the ground in front of us and when the smoke cleared we saw tenko standing in front of us, showing off one of the katanas she keeps sheathed on her back "I heard you two talking about training?"

Kaito was coughing much more violently then I was coughing "why didn't you just.....walk over here" Kaito said between coughs "well I wanted to look cool....i am the ultimate ninga so I have to look cool..." "Y-yeah we were talking about training.....why" "If you want I could teach you some of the things I know I feel like you two could learn a lot from a martial arts master like me, but you both have to promise to me right here right now that you'll give it your all" I thought for a moment....do I really want to train with kaito and tenko?

"O-of course I will!" I answered with a smile "and you" Tenko said as she looked at kaito expectingly "tch I always give one hundred percent no need to ask" Tenko nodded and clapped her hands together happily "great, meet me back here tomorrow when it's night time and we will begin your training" Then she threw another smoke bomb and she was gone

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