#13 the play of a lifetime

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Around half of everyone had left to help set up the play and with my luck everyone who I considered a friend was helping so I didn't have anyone to talk too.....well that's a lie, shuichi still hasn't left my side but it seems like he dosent want to talk right now so miu, korekiyo, kaito and maki were left.....maybe I should spend some time with korekiyo.....at least until the play starts.

I hesitantly approached korekiyo and gave him a warm smile "um....h-hello korekiyo" I greeted. Korekiyo turned to look at me and I think he smiled but I couldn't tell since he had a mask on "oh hello you are kokichi correct?" I don't know how he knows my name, because I never told him, it's not like it's particularly difficult to find my name (you just have to look up: ultimate paranormal investigator and bam there it is) but still, it's strange "Y-yes...i-i just wanted to know if.....maybe we c-could hang out?" "Hmm....sure, follow me"

I spent some time reading a book with korekiyo, I actually had my own book but I got curious so I decided to read with him.

Korekiyo and I grew a little closer today

"That was most enjoyable.....but may I ask you a question" "Um....s-sure" Korekiyo paused before asking "why did you abandon the 'paranormal investigator' talent" I sighed as I thought about how to word my answer before saying "I don't.....enjoy talking about it......it brings back bad memories, you understand right" Korekiyo nodded lightly "yes I understand, I apologize" "N-no it's fine" Then tenko walked into the library "hey, the play is starting come on!" Tenko said with a smile, I guess we were reading for longer than I thought....

Tenko lead us into the ultimate actress lab, on the inside it looked like an auditorium it turns out that we were the last ones to arrive which made me just a little self self-conscious . I ran to the front row and sat next to shuichi, giving him a quick "hi shuichi" As a greeting "hello koki" He greeted in return. The nickname koki made me blush a little but not enough to be noticeable. Out of nowhere the lights dimmed and the curtain opened.

Everything was going well, himiko and kirumi were preforming amazingly.....until suddenly kirumi stopped everything she was doing and looked upwards. Without warning except a scream from the sweet girl the prop chandelier fell and......crushed kirumi....blood got all over everyone in the first row including shuichi and i.....their was shocked silence for a moment before the room exploded into chaos. Some people were crying over the loss and others were screaming, himiko just dropped to her knees with an almost traumatized look on her face

*ding dong dong ding*

"A body has been discovered" I barely heard....the rest was drowned out by the screaming

But out of nowhere I heard one voice clearer than the others.....as if it was close to me.....someone was giggling.....i looked to wherever the voice was coming from and....it was shuichi he was giggling, he found this funny "wh-why are you-" "Aw look at you, your face is covered in blood, here I'll help you clean up" Shuichi interrupted me, using an almost melodic tone before he wiped some of the blood off of my face with his finger and then stuck the same finger in his mouth. I was both creeped out and disguised at the same time "you know.....I am a little disappointed that would've been a fitting death for himiko....what a waste"....what happened to my shuichi, I want him back, sure he was a little obsessed with rantaro and ultimates in general but he still would care if someone died!.....this.....this isn't shuichi anymore.....i hope that he will snap out of it soon but I won't bet on it.

As I looked into his eyes all I saw was despair staring back at me.....i looked away with an uncomfortable look on my face....

danganronpa re:animatedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora