#14 something sinister behind the scenes

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Once everyone calmed down and left the auditorium shuichi and I got up from our chairs to investigate the crime....I still feel a little uncomfortable around shuichi even if he was acting a little less psychopathic now but that doesn't matter I need to gather evidence. I entered stage left and stared at the empty auditorium....because of how big it was, every step I took made an echo....i guess that explains why I couldn't hear the announcement before

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"Hey koki, can I talk to you for a second" Shuichi has been so quiet I forgot he was even there so when he spoke a let out a yelp and turned around quickly "uhm.....s-sorry just.....i-im a little.....on edge" I explained with an apologetic smile "It's fine I just wanted to tell you who the suspects are" "S-suspects?" "Yeah, this time there was a group of people directly involved with the performance so any one of them could have murdered kirumi" I nodded in understanding "I think there were six people who could've done it, himiko, kaede, rantaro, angie, tenko and kiibo" As shuichi listed off names I realized that they were all people who I've grown close with in some way...... "C-can we just rule k-kiibo out now? He's too nervous to even t-talk to anyone, let alone m-m-murder someone" Shuichi just shook his head "anyone can be capable of murder, no matter how innocent they may seem"

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On that depressing note I resumed looking for evidence.....and then I smelled burning....i looked to the right to see that someone had left a lighter on backstage and half of the backstage area had caught on fire....so, I instinctively yelled "ITS ON FIRE!" And started yelling in panic "DON'T JUST STAND THERE YELLING DO SOMETHING" shuichi yelled, also panicking, and on that command I grabbed a nearby bucket of paint that angie forgot to put away and doused the fire in paint....it worked but everything that wasn't a pile of ashes was doused in paint, or a pile of ashes that was also doused in paint if you're really unlucky,.....but I turned the lighter off in the process so that's something I guess.

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"Hey koki, look at this" I walked over to shuichi to see a rope that once kept the prop chandelier up.....but it looked like it had been burnt "I guess th-that explains the lighter b-but why would they leave it on?"

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"I don't know but we should get out of here, I can smell the ashes and paint and it's overwhelming me" I could tell that he was having difficulties breathing so we walked out of the auditorium together. As we walked around we ran into tenko "oh hey tenko!....can you answer a question please" Shuichi asked. Tenko nodded "sure what is it" "What were you doing when the prop fell" Tenko froze, her face going pale, and she looked like she was reliving some sort of bad memory "....i was watching the play....the only people who were allowed backstage during the performance were angie, kaede, and rantaro" We nodded before I thanked her and we tried to find rantaro, kaede, or angie...."so when we find one of them...do we just ask of th-they killed kirumi?" Shuichi shook his head "no that wouldn't be smart, we ask them what they we're doing at the time and if the stories don't match up then we can use that in the trial" Shuichi explained "it's always so satisfying to DESTROY their flawed logic with facts isn't it?"

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we ended up finding kaede first but when we approached her she said "oh you're with the weirdo....if you're here to interrogate me I didn't do it" Regardless of how suspicious that sounds I really wanted to believe that. kaede is one of the first friends I made and I don't want to think about her murdering people but shuichi asked her anyway "can you just tell us what you were doing at the time already, every breath I take in your presence is poisonous".....now that I think about it.....shuichi never told me why he hates kaede so much....I'll just ask him after the trial. Kaede didn't answer the question she just looked at him with a smirk "Oh yeah? Why don't you keep breathing it then, maybe you'll die"

*ding dong bing bong*

"So uh....im starting to get bored, everyone please head to the red door on the first floor"

Shuichi sighed as he mumbled "nevermind let's just go to the elevator kokichi" Shuichi said as he grabbed my hand and started walking to the red door....but he briefly turned around and said "I hope you die, you don't deserve to survive a killing game" Then he resumed walking

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