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"SHE'S A PRINCESS" Borra screamed at me. I folded my arms and said "I didn't know this until a few minutes ago". The other fey talked with one another, Connal was leaned up against one of the walls, Ini was pacing back and forth, and Shrike was sitting on the ground listening to the conversation. Borra said "So now what? We just continue to let this human stay here, knowing that she is a princess of a kingdom that could kill us all". 'I was so confused just like the others. I didn't want y/n to be killed or sent away'. Ini said "I knew something was off about that girl. Those clothes that she wore when you brought her to the healing chamber, I knew they weren't normal clothes that non-royal humans were". 

Borra turned to Connal and shouted "We need to kill her Connal. We can't risk it". I shouted at Borra "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT BORRA. Y/N SAVED YOUR LIFE AND YOU WANT TO KILL HER. YOUR AS SELFISH AS THE HUMANS". Then there was silence. Everyone was staring at me with wide eyes and opened mouths. I expected this reaction from them. They never heard me shout before and I figured I scared them. I even scared myself a little when I shouted. I rarely ever shout so I knew that shouting would get their attention. I stepped a little closer to Borra and said "Y/n could have left you to die in the rainforest but she helped you. Did you know that y/n was scared of you, of all the desert fey. She was even scared of stepping one foot in the desert biome because she was scared you'd kill her. As scared as she was she still helped you and in return you want to kill her. If that's how you all feel Borra, then maybe you should leave". 

There was another long silence. Connal and Shrike had their mouths open. Ini was in shock and just stared at Borra and I. Borra stared angrily at me and I didn't care. Borra sighed heavily and said "Udo, your my good friend. I don't want to argue with you but you know what we have to do if we can't come up with a solution". I said "A solution has not been made yet". Connal stepped in between us and said "Alright. Raise your fist if you want to kill her and raise your hand if you want her to live". Just as fey started to raise their fist and hands Borra said "No, it will only end in a tie". Borra turned to me and looked me straight into the eyes. He said "Udo, you want y/n to live and I want y/n to die". He then painfully closed his eyes and said "I'm sorry but I Borra, Chief of the Desert Fey challenge you Udo". Loud gasp could be heard through the meeting cave. 

Shrike ran up to us and said "Now hold on. Borra think about your doing. This is your friend. If you challenge him you could cause a division between the tundra fey and the desert fey". Borra turned to the rest of the fey and said "If I challenge Udo, I want you all to promise that there will be no conflict between the tundra fey and desert fey. No matter who wins or loses". The other fey looked at each other and talked to one another for a little then they all nodded towards Borra. Borra then turned to me and asked "Now do you Udo, Chief of the Tundra Fey accept my challenge". I said "On one condition, If I win whenever we have a meeting about y/n, death can not be an option unless absolutely necessary". Borra then came up close to me "And my condition is if I win, the desert fey will be allowed to kill her and dispose of her how we see fit". Borra then held out his hand towards me and asked "Do we have a deal". I looked behind Borra and saw Connal shaking his head, signaling for me to say no but instead I took his hand and said "Yes, I accept". 

Borra let go of my hand and said "The challenge will be held in 3 days. Be ready Udo because though you are my good friend, I will not go easy on you". I turned my back to him and while walking out of the meeting cave I said "I don't care if you go easy on me or not. All I know is that I won't let you hurt her". I turned to Borra and before I jumped down the hole that led to the Tundra I said loudly "Y/N IS MINE". Then I jumped down the hole and didn't look back. 

Little Snow Princessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن