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It took three days to bury the bodies. Quin sedated Rex and pulled him into the ship. He sits on a small pull out bunk in the tiny hold.

Three days of hard labor and work to give every clone she could a proper burial. Three days of Rex staring blankly in front of him, not really there.

Ahsoka set the last helmet over the grave and stood back. A group of thirty or so graves was in front of her, but nearly two hundred more surrounded the wreck. Some were simply helmets on pikes, no body to be found. Over three hundred bodies still rested in that wreck, three hundred bodies they couldn't find.

Ahsoka ducked her head wearily. She felt... naked. She had buried her sabers on the body of a shock trooper. Clipped to his belt. She stood, armorless and weaponless in a place that had nearly cost her her life.

Quin stood behind her, at the entrance to the ship. Ahsoka took one last look at her men. Her brothers. Before she turned and walked quickly to the ship. She climbed in without a word.

She slipped a buckle over Rex's shoulder and pressed a kiss to his temple before plopping down in the co-pilot's seat.

"To Onderon." She whispered.

"To Onderon." Quin repeated, guiding the ship off the ground and into orbit. Ahsoka sighed as stars stretched into streaks before turning into the swirling blue hues of hyperspace. The flashing and twisting colors made her slightly nauseous. That or it was the two hundred dead and decomposing bodies that were almost identical to her husband that she just buried souring her stomach.

Quin excused himself to the refresher, and Ahsoka sat back. Would the hospitality Lux had promised still hold, now that she was a was a wanted war criminal? Or was she even that, because she left the order?

She shook her head, closing her eyes and sighing. She moved so sit by Rex in the back, leaning her head against his shoulder. Her tired muscles ached and her eyes were heavy within seconds of curling next to him. She pulled a blanket around them, tucking it tight.

"We can't go back to Corascant yet. But we will soon. Gotta get some stuff and tie off some loose ends." She murmured before sleep sucked her down.


"Ahsoka. Ahsoka wake up." Quin shook her gently. "We're here. They're asking for identification." He said softly.

Ahsoka nodded and stood, wrapping the blanket around her husband. She sat down in the pilot's chair and keyed up the comm.

"This is Ahzli Tano of the shuttle Fulcrum. Requesting docking and immediate contact with senator Lux Bonteri." She said over the comm.

It buzzed and crackled for a second. Then a familiar voice came over it. "Request granted. You are cleared to dock at the senatorial complex. Boy are you lucky I'm here instead of Corascant, Ahs-Ahzli." Lux's voice crackled. Ahsoka relaxed immediately.

She guided the craft to the surface and landed nearly. She spotted a person at the edge of the pad and smiled. Quin followed her out of she ship as the person approached.

"General Gerrera." Ahsoka nodded. Steela smiled.

"Commander Tano." For a moment, it was like the last nine months hadn't happened. Quin spoke up, his voice filtered but not modulated.

"It's General Tano now." He piped up. Steela looked impressed.

"You'll have to tell me the story. It seems a lot has changed since we parted ways." She said. Ahsoka gave a bitter laugh.

"Indeed. Can I speak with Lux? It's important." She said. Steela nodded.

"He's on holiday, lucky for you. Has the next week off from senatorial work. Or, he would if he didn't insist on using this time to do paperwork." She made a face.

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