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Ventress took Fives to look for more bounties, leaving Ahsoka alone for a few hours. It was her day off anyways, and she doubted Lotta would let her clock in if she showed up anyways to make up for missing the previous day. 

Ahsoka tried to follow the dathomirian's instructions for her to rest and blah blah blah. She wondered if her husband was right and she really wiggled her way into the harpy's tiny shred of a heart. Ahsoka sat in bed and tried to get some actual sleep, snacking on some barely cooked meat that had to be Fives's attempt at food because he had turned on the stove at all. 

She wondered how they were all still alive when none of them knew how to actually cook. 

Eventually, she couldn't sit still any longer or she was going to explode. She showered and brushed her pointy teeth in an attempt to wash the nightmares from her skin. She dressed quickly and threw her work uniform in the wash, sliding the now-well worn note out of it's pockets again to slide it into a special binder she kept hidden in her underwear drawer. 

Then she pulled out her datapad and settled down to catch up on paperwork. As she worked through numbers and lists of supplies for the hospital. If she worked hard enough, kept as busy as she could, she could ignore the block of ice in her stomach. The one that always threatened to send her running back to her nest with one of his shirts for hours. The one that made tears well up unbidden without reason and her hands shake so badly she could barely hold a stylus. 

She mid mini panic attack when there was a knock at the door. She took a few deep breaths and a drink of water before answering it. To her surprise, Senator Amidala stood at the door. Ahsoka blinked as the older woman pulled her into a hug. 

"Ahsoka! I was hoping you'll be home." She smiled warmly. Ahsoka's mind stalled, faltered, and recycled as she tried to process that her old friend was here. 

"Senator? How... Anakin told you, didn't he." She smiled weakly. "Come in, come in." She stepped aside to let her friend in, wincing at how small and dirty the tiny house was compared to Padme's skyrise place, and even hers was modest compared to most senators. Padme didn't seem to mind though, and as she walked past Ahsoka the togruta realized that she was actually a few inches taller than the senator now. 

"Sit, please. Sorry for the mess." Ahsoka tried to be a good host. "Can I get you some water?" Padme shook her head. 

"There's no need. Actually, I come with a gift for you." She said, pulling out a small datachip and handing it to Ahsoka. Ahsoka took it with a frown. Padme chuckled a little at her confusion. "It's the codes for a special senatorial news network. One not for the general public and faster when it comes to news on the warfront. I figured if anyone deserves access to it, it's you." 

Ahsoka gapped at her, reverently taking the small chip. The tears came back again, but not out of worry and anxiety. She could know what was happening. She would know where he was. 

"Senator... I... Thank you." She whispered, cradling the small piece of technology close. Padme put a gentle hand on her shoulder. 

"That's Padme to you, Ahsoka. You deserve to know from your husband as much, even more than I do. It was Anakin's idea." She said kindly. Ahsoka's head snapped up. 

"You've heard from him?" She asked, desperation clear through her voice. Padme chuckled a little more. 

"Comm blackouts couldn't stop Anakin. Or your Captain, for that matter. Although I'm a little salty you never told me about the wedding." She mock chided. Ahsoka flushed a little. 

"We kept it quiet. I wore one of the dresses you got me, though." She said quietly. Padme perked up. 

"You did! Oh, please tell me you got pictures!" She squealed. Yes, actually squealed, like a youngling on sugar. Ahsoka laughed a little, wiping the tears from her eyes. 

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