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Rex was thrown against the wall of the gunship as the craft lurched, the red interior lights suddenly going out. Rex instinctively called on the force, gripping the wall as there was the loud sound of metal tearing away. There was a blinding flash of light as a little explosion tore away what must have been the left wing. Now there was a little light, but nothing made sense. They were spinning down, down in a deadly spiral as the ground flashed by once, twice, before slamming into the earth at full force.

Only Rex's jedi-like abilities kept him from being sucked under the wreck of the side of the ship as they crashed, but Cody wasn't so lucky. His ori'vod gave a cry of agony as the ship shuddered to a halt. Smoke was quickly filling the small space as the others clambered out. Cody seemed to be the only one seriously harmed. 

Rex crouched by his older brother, trying to see how bad he was. Cody gave a pained gasp as Rex shifted the debris around him. It was bad, judging by the rapidly growing pool of blood that surrounded him and what looked to be his shattered chestplate. Rex turned away to cough the smoke was becoming unbearable. He fumbled to try and grip Cody's limp hand. 

"Hold on, Ovi'vod. We're gonna get you out." He rasped, clawing his way up to the light of the busted open door. He gulped at the fresh air ash he skidded down. His throat and stomach burned and he desperately fought the urge to vomit.

"The commander." He gasped, forcing himself to his feet. "He's still in there, trapped." He glanced at the ship, and spotted a leak of semi-luminescent trickling out of the wreck. Not good. Not good at all. "And there's a fuel leak. We only have a few seconds to-"

"Wrecker." Hunter cut him off. Wrecker nodded. 

"I know, I know." The big clone raced back to the craft. Kix scowled, putting a hand on Rex's arm. 

"Wrecker's gonna need help to get Cody out of there." He protested. Crosshair gave a sharp laugh. 

"He's gonna get the gunship out of there, not Cody."

Wrecker braced himself against the glassy ground the best he could before leaning up against the downed aircraft and pushing back. There was another cry of pain from inside the ship, much weaker than before. Slowly but surely, to Rex's amazement, the ship began to roll over. As soon as it was fully on it's topside, Wrecker let go of the ship and slung Cody over his broad shoulders in a fireman's carry. As he walked away from the explosion, Rex heard Tech counting quietly to himself. 

"Boom." Wrecker called, and the gunship exploded behind him. Talk about dramatic, even going so far as to actually memorize times for explosions just to look cool. 

As he laid Cody down gently on a mostly clean stretch of ground, Kix pulled out the medical scanner and flashed it over Cody's chest. He swore.

"Internal damage. Looks like his plastoid shattered, some of it cutting him and making its way into his chest cavity." Kix rattled off, fishing through his medpack. 

Rex sucked in a breath, and Cody's eyes fluttered open weakly as he coughed a little. Rex forced a smile as he gave a brief scan of their surroundings before turning back to his brother. "Di'kut. Your armor is supposed to go on the outside." He chuckled wryly. Cody hissed in pain and curled up a little. 

"Yeah. No kidding." His voice was barely above a whisper. So he was aware enough to talk. That was a good thing, normally. 

"I can cut the pain, But he's gonna need help fast." Kix warned, tilting Cody's head away slightly to stick him with the end of a hypo. 

"We've got other problems." Crosshair said. "That blast gave away our position."

"And here I thought getting shot down gave away our position." Hunter said sardonically. Rex pressed his lips together as he saw the approaching droids. They had less than three minutes before the droids were upon them. Rex tightened his grip on his 17s,

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