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Ahsoka shifted in her seat. "Right. My time as a jedi commander." She sighed, fidgeting a little at the hem of her blue shirt. She wished she had her lightsabers to fiddle with. Even though she had never quite enjoyed mechanics, working on them had always given her a sense of comfort. 

Lotta nodded. "How long did you serve?" She asked. Ahsoka blew out a breath, mentally counting. 

"About two and a half years." She answered. Dr. Kallus frowned. 

"But you're not that old. Maybe nineteen at the oldest." He pointed out. Ahsoka nodded. 

"I just turned seventeen not that long ago. I was about fourteen, almost fifteen when I was sent to the front lines." She supplied. The others looked aghast, so she quickly added "But a young jedi is still a powerful force to be reckoned with. Besides, I was already an adult by my people's standards, if not by Corascant's." She said hastily. This didn't seem to help ease their consciousnesses much. 

"Are all jedi this young when they are given a command?" Asked Lotta. Ahsoka shrugged. 

"We're not allowed our own command until we reach the rank of knight, usually in our twenties or thirties, but the youngest padawan--jedi apprentice-- I've met with a military command was twelve." She shifted again, rubbing at the burn scars on her arms from Kavado. Lotta sighed. 

"It must be so hard for them, having to command troops who are twice their ages." She said, pursing her lips. Ahsoka hesitated, wondering how much about the clones were common knowledge. She made up her mind, deciding to give them the basics. 

"The hardest part is earning their respect. The clones are, chronologically and partly mentally, younger than even the youngest padawan. They were made to age fast to be battle ready in half the time. Flash learning gives them the knowledge of most adults, and they have to act responsible on the warfront, but most of them are really between nine and thirteen years old. We got along quite well, actually." She pressed her lips together, remembering the clone sprawled across the couch in her apartment. 

"And... the jedi are ok with this?" Dr. Kallus asked, concern written across his face. Ahsoka flashed back to Barriss. 

"Not all of them. But we've made leaps and bounds forward in making life better for them. In a way, them being so young has had its advantages." She admitted. "Without an actual culture to be raised by, although most of them have adopted the Mandalorian culture of the original template for the, it lets them think more creatively than even most real adults could. It's saved their lives, to do everything from use power charges for their rifles as makeshift grenades to learn how to do something complex in a short amount of time. Even off the battlefield, in the endless prank wars and competitions that happen on the cruisers and between battalions, I've seen them do some things I'd never have even considered." She smiled fondly. 

"Such as?" Lotta asked. Ahsoka's smile widened. 

"Well, some times before long sieges, we do a prank night.  One time, before a long term campaign on Umbara, we had one such night. I don't think I could have ever come up with the idea of hiding spray goo and noise makers in the inner riggings of doors and lockers. It was quite hilarious the next day." She sat up straighter. "I know you're worried about the ethics of this. No sane person wouldn't be. But I can tell you that the clones are well aware of what it means to be one of them. I know most of them are quite happy to serve. There are a few who go rogue, but only maybe fifteen clones out of the entire army have intentionally betrayed us, deserted, or consciously worked against the republic in any way. Usually it was for a good reason, too."

Ahsoka clasped and unclasped her hands. "You said you were pro war here. I'm sorry if my story changes that." Dr. Kallus shook his head. 

"My father once said 'To not support your side is to aid the other. People who try to stay in the middle are little more than cowards who are afraid to voice their claims.' We're with the Republic until it's dying days." He smiled. 

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