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Rex sighed as he helped Ahsoka pack her bag.

"I still don't like this." He grumbled as he finished. Ahsoka kissed his cheek and took the bag from him.

"I told you, nothing's making you come." She said. "I can take care of myself." She set the bag on the floor next to her. Rex grunted and rummaged though his own bag.

"Of course I'm coming. I'm not letting you go to the heart of the 'Empire' alone." He pulled out his lightsaber and held it out to her. "Even still, I'd rather you keep this with you, just to be sure. You're better with it than I am anyways." He said. Ahsoka carefully took the lightsaber from him.

His crystal liked her, certainly. But it wasn't her sabers. She stuffed it into her bag.

"Fine." She grumped. Rex set his bag down on the bed with a sigh. He turned and gently pulled Ahsoka into his arms. She relaxed instantly and nuzzled into his neck, making him smile. Rex pressed a kiss to the valley of her montrals.

"Why do we have to go back again?" He asked.

"You know why." Her voice was slightly muffled. "I have some stuff I need to grab from the apartment and some people who deserve to know what happened to me." She pulled back. "Besides. Quin's going back to Mandalore soon. Better to have the small landing area clear." She said. "We won't be on Corascant more than two days, tops."

Rex glanced around. "Alright. Better get underway sooner rather than later."

They said their goodbyes to Quin and promised to keep in touch. Ahsoka sat in the pilot's chair and guided them out of atmo before making the jump.

Rex sighed, glancing over the controls. "I really need to learn how to fly this one day." He thought aloud.

Ahsoka grunted. She was looking out the window, her cheeks and lips pale. She swallowed audibly.

"I think I'm going to use the refresher." She half said, half squeaked. She lurched to her feet and stumbled to the small refresher. The door slid shut behind her. Rex frowned, waited a few minutes, then cautiously got up and knocked on the door.

He was rewarded with a faint gagging sound and a wet splash. He opened the door to find Ahsoka on her knees hunched over the toilet.

She gave a small whine when he crouched next to her. Rex sighed and gently pulled her two front lekku back over her shoulders so they wouldn't get pinched between her and the metal bowl.

Ahsoka lurched again, dry heaving and coughing. Rex rubbed small circles between her shoulder blades.

She panted slightly and slumped sideways against him. "Y'know." She rasped, "I was kinda hoping that I would miss this part entirely."

Rex pressed a kiss to the tip of one montral. "Well you weren't sick earlier. It's probably just hypersickness." He pointed out. Ahsoka huffed, sitting up a little.

"Hope you're right." She complained.

"We'll be back in normal space soon. Only an hour or two to Corascant."

Ahsoka groaned. "I... think I'm going to stay here." She whimpered as she lurched again, gagging and spitting up acid. Rex went back to rubbing her shoulders.

"Anything I can do to help?" He asked.

Ahsoka sighed. "...A pillow for my knees would be nice." She said after a minute. Rex winced in sympathy. The durasteel floor certainly wasn't good for kneeling on.

Rex gave her one last kiss before leaving to grab his pillow from the small cabin across from the refresher. She sighed gratefully when he helped her into a crouch so he could slide the pillow under her.

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