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Trigger warnings: Suicide. Look for the triple asterisk (***) between paragraphs marking the section if you need to skip over that part.


Cody gasped slightly as pain threaded through the edges of what had been a pleasant dream.

Good sold-

Cody tired to force himself into wakefulness.

Good soldiers-

He was more than just a number. He was a person. He was a free and independent sentient being.

Good soldiers follow orders.

If only he could just. Wake. Up. He gave a mental scream of exertion and snapped awake. He pitched forward, military reflexes being the only thing to keep him from falling forward as he grabbed a counter in front of him with his free hand.

He paused panting as his mind caught up that, A, He wasn't in his bed, and B, he was holding a light, thin handled object in his hand not clutching the counter.

He cautiously shifted his thumb upward, even though he was already sure what was in his hand. His blood ran cold when he brushed the flat edge of a cheep durasteel blade. The thin and incredibly sharp knife Ahsoka uses to cut nuna and the occasional canned gorg with.

He slid his hand on the counter to the left, confirming to himself that he was in the kitchen when he brushed the edge of the metal sink.

You will obey, Kote. You cannot fight indefinitely.

The damage chip whispered to him. It sounded suspiciously like his fallen general.

"I'll die before I hurt Ahsoka." He whispered aloud. He set the knife on the counter and picked his way to his room. He cursed mind controlled him for not grabbing the cane.

As a precaution, he locked his door from the outside before going back to bed. He could tell Rex it was an accident in the morning. He had to get these episodes under control.

"I'll die before I hurt either of them." He whispered to himself as he crawled into the bed and pulled the blankets tight around him.


Rex, although confused, let Cody out of his room the next morning. Cody was bedraggled and didn't look like he had slept at all. Dark smears under his unfocused eyes, his hair stood up at all angles.

"You ok, Codes?" He asked. Cody nodded.

"Had another headache. Didn't sleep well." He lied, rubbing the mucus from his eyes.

Rex gently clamped him on the shoulder. "C'mon, ori'vod. Let's get to breakfast before it gets cold."

Cody perked up a bit. "Hot breakfast?"

"Yeah. But it's Ahsoka's cooking, so force only knows what that bacon is really made of." Cody could hear Rex's grimace in his voice.

Cody paused. "Soooo.... hot breakfast?" He asked again, grinning in the direction of his little brother.

"You have a one track mind, you know that?" Rex laughed. Cody followed him down stairs, grinning all the way.

"Good morning, Cody." Ahsoka sauntered over and kissed Rex on the cheek before setting plates in front of them. She washed her hands in the sink. Reaching over to grab a hand towel without looking, her hand caught a thin knife left out on the counter.

"Ouch! Dang it!" She lifted her hand to her face to suck on a bloody cut.

"You ok, Ahsoka?" Rex asked. She waved him off with her uninjured hand.

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