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Rex sighed, clinging to the underside of a crossbeam on a bridge, overlooking a very scary drop. As minor as Rex's fear of heights was, it was definitely still there. His stomach lurched as he glanced down once more, unable to help himself.

He mentally cursed Skywalker and his harebrained plans that almost always ended up with him in a situation like this. At least this time he wasn't alone in his suffering. The rest of Torrent company clung to the underside of the bridge. There was a lull in the battle above them, and Dogma leaned over to whisper yell at Rex from a beam away.

"How much longer are we stuck down here, sir?" He asked. Rex glanced over at the edge of the bridge, praying that R2 would give the signal soon.

"Only a bit longer." Rex covered. The men around him groaned.

"Sir yes sir." Dogma sighed. Rex adjusted his grip on the beam, feeling the additional weight of the jetpack on his back drag at him slightly. Rex spared a second hopeful look at the edge of the bridge and nearly laughed in relief as R2's chunky metal body pulled itself down to the bottom of the bridge and chirped at them.

"Now!" Rex gave the order. "Go go go!" Swallowing thickly, he released the beam and let himself free fall for a couple seconds before activating the jetpack.

He lurched forward, suppressing a gasp as he jerked, soaring up over the edge of the bridge to land on the asphalt. He took a step to regain his balance as the rest of Torrent and Leviathan companies joined them.

"Well Captain, care to explain the logic behind this plan?" Rex smiled as Cody caught up with him, firing a few shots in the general direction of the enemy. Rex laughed, nailing a droid before crouching behind some rubble for cover.

"If I knew the logic I would. You really think I question Anakin at this point? He hasn't gotten me killed yet." He yelled back. Cody laughed.

"Well, there was--"

"That was one time. And not his fault." Rex interrupted him, lunging out from cover just in time for a mortar to slam into the place he had been standing. A close call. Without the force to warn him he'd be dead several times over.

"Hey, at least you didn't stay dead." Cody chuckled. Rex rolled his eyes from behind his visor.

"Yeah, my wife would bring me back to do it right if- Look out!" Rex yelled, shoving Cody out of the way as a second mortar sailed right at them. The force swirled around Rex, he had just enough time to snatch up his lightsaber and swing it clumsily, connecting with the rocket and slicing it neatly in two. He deactivated the golden blade quickly and hit the ground as the two halves of the mortar exploded, spraying shrapnel everywhere.

Rex's ears rung for a few seconds as he panted. Time seemed to slow down dramatically for a few seconds as the smoke billowed around him. Rex rolled over and pushed against the ground weakly, just managing to get to his knees. Time sped back to normal as Cody rushed over, gripping his shoulder tightly.

"-ex? Rex!" Cody yelled. Rex took a couple shaking breaths.

"I'm ok. I'm ok." He panted, slipping the lightsaber back into the pouch. Aside from the occasional explosion or stray blaster bolt, most of the fighting had moved down the bridge towards the other side. Cody laughed dryly.

"Good thing Commander Tano and General Skywalker thought it would be a good idea to give you a lightsaber for emergencies. We'd both be dead if they hadn't." Cody jabbered. Rex nodded.

"Yeah, good thing." He murmured, zoning out for a few seconds. Cody cocked his head.

"You ok, vod'ika? Did you smack your head on the ground?" Cody asked. Rex shook his head.

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