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Ahsoka slipped back into the living room to check on the clones, and found both of them snoring softly, Rex on the floor with his head on the couch and Fives curled into a ball, their foreheads almost touching.

She smiled softly to herself and pulled the blankets a little tighter around Fives. She dragged another blanket off of her own bed and wrapped it around her husband's shoulders, brushing a kiss to his temple. His eyes fluttered open and she smiled at him, brushing her hand lightly through his short cut hair.

"Just me. Go back to sleep, love." She whispered. He gave a little nod and closed his eyes. Ahsoka retreated a few steps back, walking over to the door and slipping out into the perpetual twilight of Corascant's underbelly.

She walked briskly down the street, her destination in mind. It was a bit of a walk, but she made it alright. It wasn't a big establishment, really only a bit larger than the infirmary at the military outpost in the temple. She pushed open the door and walked inside.

The entry room was cramped, smelling of ammonia and the faint underlying smell of raw metal that her sensitive nose could just catch. There was a counter with a bored looking pantoran secretary. Wide double doors were on one side of the room, and there was a gate guarding a hallway back by the doors.

She shook herself, willing her mind to not automatically look for escape routes and defensive positions. She was a civilian now. She walked up to the counter and the secretary looked up with a forced smile.

"Welcome to Valorum General hospital, do you have an appointment?" Her eyes narrowed slightly as she studied Ahsoka.

"My name is Ahsoka Tano. I was offered a job here a few weeks back." She smiled faintly. The pantoran sighed.

"Kid, if I had a dime for every togruta who came here claiming that I... would be... rich." She trailed off as Ahsoka raised two fingers in a lifting gesture, taking her stylus out of her hand with the force and letting it float in the air between them, spinning gently. With a slightly awed expression, she waved her hand above and below the utensil, before taping it gently. Ahsoka let it spin faster before stilling it and sending it flying around the secretaries head. She set it back down on the desk with a smile.

"Would you like some identification?" Ahsoka asked, reaching for a small identicard in a small pouch on her belt and showing her the small ID. The pantoran gave a stunned nod, and opened her mouth.

She was cut off when the wide double doors burst open and two humans rushed in, a hoverstretcher between them. A human girl about Ahsoka's age lay on it, her arm twisted at an angle that was definitely not natural for humans.  

The pantoran sighed behind the desk, pulled out a datapad, and scrawled something down. "There's Trace." She mumbled. She seemed to be counting in her head. Seconds later, the door Ahsoka had gone through had burst open. A woman a little older than her rushed in, her panic palpable even without the force. 

"Where is my sister!" She yelled. The secretary sighed. 

"And there's Rafa." She raised her voice so the other woman could hear. "Same place she normally is after an accident, Ms. Martez. Like usual, I'll need you to wait until we can assess the damage." She called. Rafa huffed and sat on the nearest chair to the double doors back were they had taken the other girl. The secretary turned back to Ahsoka. "I'll have to call to the higher ups that you took the offer. You can start now. I assume you know what we need of you."

Ahsoka nodded. "I am well aware with the workings of a hospital. I've spent a large amount of time as both a caregiver and patient." The secretary chuckled. 

"I think you'll find a civilian hospital is a little different from a military one." She stood and waved Ahsoka back through the doors that the girl, Trace, had disappeared too. Ahsoka snorted a little.

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