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Ahsoka was all smiles and happy as Rex slowly returned. It was infectious, and made him want to improve. Part of him was angry at himself. Simple things like sitting up by himself or eating took enormous amounts of willpower. Part of him wanted to return to the unconcerned darkness.

He would almost succeed, then Ahsoka would see something or other and give him the biggest smile. He wanted to keep that smile on her face.

He wanted to surprise her. He practiced walking back and forth across the small room, or crossing the hall to use the refresher. It always left him tired, and he wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep after that. Not eating or moving for a week had left him physically exhausted over every little thing.

He didn't talk either. The words just seemed to stick in his throat. He wanted to. Wanted to reply to Ahsoka when she would talk to him until she fell asleep. But today was different, he knew it.

He wanted to surprise her. Leaning against the wall and handrail he made his way down the stairs. Ahsoka was in the living room, talking softly with Quin.

"Do you really think he's getting better?" Quin asked. Rex paused, listening. Ahsoka sighed. She sounded so beaten down it made Rex's chest hurt. He didn't want her to feel that way.

"It seems like he is. He's reacting now. He'll smile when I talk to him, or flinch when I drop something. He sleeps a lot more now too." Her voice sounded wistful. "I miss him."

"I know. I miss him too." There was a beat of silence. "How are you?"

"Me? I'm fine." She said quickly.

"Not what I meant and you know it."

Ahsoka sighed, hunching forward. Rex could see the tips of her montrals from his hidden spot at the base of the stairs.

"Feel a little worse every day." She said, chuckling tonelessly.

"When are you going to tell him?" Quin asked. Ahsoka's voice cracked a little when she finally answered.

"He's supposed to already know." Sue choked out. Rex's chest hurt even more. He wanted her to smile. "I want to tell him, now that I know he can hear me. I wanted him to he the first person I told but I... I'm scared, Quin." She rambled, squeaking a little. "I don't want to send him back to where he was."

Rex shifted and took another step. His legs ached from standing so long. The floorboard under him creaked and Ahsoka snapped her head up. Wet tracks marked down her face and  Quin had a hand on her shoulder.

She stood instantly and bounded over to him, all smiling like she had never been sad. Her eyes were still sad, though.

"Rex, you're up!" She cheered, throwing her arms around him and hugging him tight. Rex hugged her back, and she smiled even more.

"Wanted to surprise you." His voice was hoarse and raspy, almost painful to use. Ah. So that's why he couldn't talk before. He mentally was jumping up and down at his success. Ahsoka stiffened when she heard him. " 'Soka?"

She pulled her face out of his shoulder to give him a much more watery smile. She reached up to cup the side of his face, her thumb tracing over his cheekbone.

"I never thought I'd hear your voice again." She whispered, a single tear streaking down her cheek. Rex carefully reached up and brushed it away. He didn't like seeing her cry.

Quin sighed loudly. "I'm glad you pulled yourself out of whatever that was you were stuck in, but the sugary sweetness radiating off you two is going to make me puke." He complained despite the smile on his face.

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