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It had started innocently enough. Tup mentioned a headache. Said he felt off. Kix was scheduled to look him over once they caught a break from the fire. Then everything happened at once. They were winning. Tiplar was shouting orders while working in tandem with her twin. Rex and Doom were fighting side by side, cutting down scores of clankers. Then he heard a yell of warning from Tiplee, and Rex turned to look at the general. She raced over to her sister, who was slumped on the ground.

Fives was there too, holding Tup in a restraining hold.

His second of inattention almost cost him his head, quite literally. Doom shoved him, and it sailed so close to his head he felt the heat through his helmet. He missed the force. He missed being able to sense the bolts coming.

There were orders to pull back, and Rex saw Fives physically hauling Tup off the battlefield. Rex fell in line as his men pulled back. He shot at every clanker he even caught a fleeting glimpse of on the way out, most of those shots true.

They pulled back to what had become their base of operations over the last week or so, Rex bringing up the rear of the retreating force. Anakin had carried Tiplar's body through the retreat. Now, he laid her down on the floor. Kix was kneeling by Tup, who was in binders in an alcove. Fives was by his side, but Rex couldn't touch the force to sense his brother's emotions. He had to do it the old fashioned way then, with words and everything.

He made his way over to the ill trooper and knelt next to Fives. The helmet obscured his face, but Rex could see Fives's restless fingers fidgeting with his armor discreetly. Tup was shuddering and mumbling, the odd tear sliding down his cheek as his eyes would go wide in apparent terror. Rex put his hand on Fives's arm, causing his little brother to flinch a little.

"Just me, Fives. What the hell happened?" Rex muttered. Fives shook his head.

"I don't- I..." He trailed off. Rex could hear the tears in his voice. Tup and Fives had been close ever since Umbara. Tup jerked forward, an animalistic snarl tearing from his throat.

"Kill jedi. KILL THE JEDI." He thrashed as Fives grabbed him and held him down. Kix was taking notes as Tup's eyes rolled in their sockets. He began muttering something under his breath, and Rex's blood froze. The mantra they had always known but never been taught. "Good soldiers follow orders. Good soldiers... Orders... Kill the jedi." He shuddered and slumped forward, his breathing ragged. He lurched again, giving a choked sob.

"Tup? Can you hear me?" Kix asked quietly.

"Fives?" The ill clone asked. Fives squeezed his upper arm, just hard enough to feel it through the plastiod.

"I'm here, euk vod." Fives muttered. Kix snapped his fingers in front of Tup's face again.

"Tup, what happened out there? What's doing this to you?" Asked the medic. Tup didn't answer, just shaking and muttering that kriffing line.

"Kix?" General Skywalker asked, looking down at the clone. Kix shook his head.

"I... I have no clue sir. Can you tell anything?" He asked. Anakin gave him a negative. Kix blew out a breath. "Then.. Then we'll have to take him back to the experts. To Kamino."

The name sent a shockwave through the air around them. They all looked at Rex. The captain blew out a long breath.

"Fives, you go with him. I'll... I'll stay here, or wherever I'm needed." He answered. The tension in the air dissipated slightly. Anakin flinched, as if coming up on an idea.

"The general has to be taken to Corascant. Jedi funeral rights will require it. If Doom can stay here with me, perhaps you can provide back up if the situation arises." He said. Rex straightened slightly. Corascant. Ahsoka.

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