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Rex leaned over the holotable, scanning the maps for what seemed like the thousandth time, searching for some way to take the compound without losing half their men. He sat back and stood at attention, ducking his head slightly as Anakin, Windu, and Mundi entered. 

Anakin nodded at him as the jedi took up positions around the table. Cody was back on his feet, cleared for combat once more despite the bruises that still littered his torso and the new scars so fresh you could still smell the bacta on him.

"The assembly complex is well fortified." Mundi started, pointing out the defences around the compound, as if they weren't already obvious to anybody with a shred of experience. "We'll have to strike hard, from multiple sides. I recommend a full frontal assault from the 501st, with-"

"No." Anakin said flatly, seeing Rex's spine stiffen behind them. Images of a dark and misty planet welled up unbidden from the dark part of the captain's subconscious where he had hidden the memories of Umbara away. He shivered, and all he could smell for a few horrible seconds was the fetid stench of Krell's breath on his face. 

"CT 7567, is there a malfunction in your design?"

"I asked you a question, Unit 7567."

"I'm surprised you are able to recognize the value of such victory, for a clone."

Cody gently knocked into Rex's shoulder, jostling him out of the memories. A few rapid hand signs assuring he was fine, and he tuned back into the General's conversation. 

"We are not using suicide tactics, Master Mundi. Not only would that be wasteful, but it would cost us Anaxes." Anakin argued, slamming his hands down on the table. Mundi glared at him. 

"Out of line, Knight Skywalker. If the 501st can draw their fire, then the 481st and the 212th remnant can take it from behind swiftly." Mundi said cooly. 

"I am not putting my men up for slaughter like that. In case you hadn't noticed," Anakin hissed, "The perimeter for the CIS factory encloses it completely. That's the point of a perimeter. If you try and encircle it, you'll just find yourself being pushed back on both sides. Remember Umbara? And the assault on the capitol? We lost two thirds of the 212th and three quarters of the 501st. I had nearly two hundred men left out of eight kriffing hundred." He spat venomously. 

"On this matter I have to agree with Skywalker." General Windu spoke up. "Umbara is a tragedy we cannot afford to repeat." He looked directly at Mundi. "We took a gamble in assigning the remnant of the 212th to Skywalker along with the 501st because the men are already familiar with each other's tactics, and this enlarged battalion has worked with great success. Losing the entirety of one or the other would be extremely detrimental." He said coldly. 

Rex relaxed a little. So suicide runs were considered off the table for now. 

"Then how are we to take the complex?" Mundi asked snidely. "Anaxes will be ours if we can just take that. The clones are meant to be expendable, are they not? If you do not wish to put the 501st experiment at risk, then the 481st will storm the front and you and Skywalker can coordinate an attack from behind." He borderline glowered at the council master in front of him, deliberately speaking over Anakin's head. 

"If... If I may, I think I have a solution that might work." A new voice came, as brittle and raspy as a clone's voice could get. Rex turned to see Echo walking up the steps to the command area in modified armor. The only indication of his metal legs was the slightly heavier steps than your average clone with the slightest hitch before he transferred his weight from one leg to another. 

Rex walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, holding him back. "Echo, you've just gone through literal hell and back, not to mention the extensive surgeries to correct at least some of the damage done. I cannot, in my right mind, let you into the field." Echo sighed. 

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