Chapter 22 -Guilty

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"Being guilty is like a punishment because it won't let you be in peace."



Alana's POV

I took off my heels as I walked into the house, finally feeling the pain in my feet subside from walking back in heels.

The day went by quite normal, at least what I though was normal. My father was doing his own work and we didn't really interact which gave him no chance to come after me in any way.

I was let off a little earlier today because the whole day was meetings and they all ended earlier than expected.

I walked towards the living room and placed my bag down on the sofa before turning to face the kitchen where I expected to see Trevor preparing dinner.

Trevor isn't there? Is he not back from work yet? I clearly saw his shoes at the front door. Maybe he is sleeping...?

I decided to go and find him but another plan popped up in my head...

This is my chance.


I walked right into the study room where Trevor works when he is home and sighed in relief to know he was not there.

Trevor's study room had a rustic touch to it. There were lamps on the walls and the fan was dark wood coloured. The window frames were also dark wood coloured and it went along with white translucent curtains. The walls were painted dark green with vintage patterns adorning it throughout the room.

The room made me feel like I was transported around 20 years back into the past.

It had a nice atmosphere to it and made me have an urge to work here too.

Trevor had a lot of documents and files kept around the whole room. I started rummaging around on his table, looking at the title of the files before flipping through them to find anything that could be useful.

I searched high and low on the shelfs around the room along with the drawers of the study table and also tried to spot any secret rooms just like how I found that passageway.

As I was searching, I saw that the last drawer of his study table was locked and the key for it was nowhere in sight.

It must be somewhere here.

I will bet all I have that whatever that can make the plan work is here.

All I need to do is find the key.

I knew the solution to that is Trevor.

I walked out of the study room feeling more determined than ever to make the whole plan work.

I will make it happen.


I checked all around the house in areas like the library and the gym, hoping to find him in one of the rooms I opened,

After checking the whole of the first floor with Trevor not in sight, I went up to the second floor to look for him.

I knocked on his room door first before opening it and when I went inside after hearing no response whatsoever, I was greeted with quite a shocking sight.

Trevor was lying down right in the middle of the bed with his arm and legs spread out. His other arm was just covering his eyes.

He was still in his black suit which definitely seemed tailored to fit his body. As I looked a little closer, I saw that he was drenched in sweat.

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