Chapter 2 -An Encounter

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"Eye contact is way more intimate than words will ever be"



Trevor's POV

"Son, this year's gala is by far the best Knight Gala our company has ever hosted!" My dad, Maxwell Knight exclaimed. I nod my head, basking in the satisfaction I got from his compliment. My mother came up to us and excitedly announced, "Food is coming! Let's go take our seats!" I chuckle quietly knowing that my mother and her love for food will never end. I took a seat beside my sister Elenore Knight and waited for the food to arrive.

As the appetiser came, we started engaging in small talk. We talked a lot about business and the future of our company along with expanding worldwide instead of just inside our continent. As we talked and ate our food, the main dish came.

As we talked and laughed over topic by topic, my dad asked me, "Son, what do you think of RiverFord? Are you thinking of signing the contract with him next week? I know Braxten Rivers, He owns the biggest food chains in Averna. He's worth investing in, don't ya think?" I replied, "I see quite a bit of profit coming in and so I am signing the contract next week." My dad laughed and said, "I agree with ya Son! By the way, the Rivers are seated over there. You should go say hi to them if you get a chance. Ah, look over there, Braxten is there with his daughter as well. Haven't spoken to him much after his wife passed away"

Curiously, I turned my head and saw Braxten Rivers talking amicably amongst the other businessmen and women that I vaguely remember working with. He had quite a bit of grey hair and from the back I could tell that he was quite fit for his age. I looked at the woman on his left and realised that must be his daughter. For a famous businessman, this is the first time I've seen her at the gala; probably it was because she just graduated. Interesting...

Suddenly, Elenore cleared her throat, breaking my train of thought. I snapped my head towards her direction. "She doesn't look that bad big bro," she smirked at me. I just remained silent, not really caring about how women looked and continued to eat only to see my parents nodding in agreement.


After the meal, came dessert. The tiramisu looked so delicious. As I put one slice in my mouth, the well infused alcohol cake and cream tasted divine in my mouth. As we were eating, many businessmen and women came over to greet us as we ate. Although I must say that some of them talked for too long. I quietly ate my cake and replied to the people only if necessary. Come on, everyone's top priority should be food.

"Hey there Max! How have ya been!" I looked to see Braxten Rivers and my father shaking hands and bro-hugging. Braxten Rivers greets all of us to which I just nod my head in acknowledgement. Then I noticed his daughter.

She was definitely intriguing just like my sister had said how good looking she was. Although her face was pretty pale, it complimented her green eyes and made them shine. Her long wavy black hair flowed down her back really nicely as well.

She politely greeted us, "Hello, I'm Alana Rivers. Pleasure to meet all of you." I once again nodded my head to greet her back.

As my father and Braxton were engaged in a conversation about the upcoming contract that was going to be signed, I just stood there feeling somewhat bored. My mother and my sister tried to make small talk with Alana but I realised that she always gave short answers that sounded very robotic; like they were practiced beforehand.

As everyone was talking, the host in the corner gave me a signal that the next segment was going to start soon. At first, I thought this was a very childish idea but my employees all thought it was the best idea to ever be used in a gala, so we went along with it. Much to my dismay...


"Everyone FREEZE! We are going to start our new segment; BlindBallRoom. The lights will go out soon and make sure to find a partner in the dark. When the lights come on, start dancing with the person that you've found. Married men, please hold on tight to your ladies." The hose playfully announced with erupted laughter within the huge hall.

Suddenly, the lights went out. It was literally pitch black and I could not see a thing. I walked around, taking small steps each time. I really did not want to knock a person down or trip all over myself. This is really so dumb, why did I give in to my employees...

Suddenly, a hand touched my chest.

At first I was just really shocked but after the whole standing in the dark for about five minutes, I was getting real impatient.

"Oh! I am so sorry...It...was an accident" A woman's voice echoed through the seemingly quiet ballroom. All I could do was sigh. I replied heavily, "Be my partner. This thing is taking too long." I could faintly see her nodding her head and she outstretched her hand again. I realised the level of her hand outstretched was at my chest. I'm guessing she's around 5'4 or shorter.

Before she could touch me again, I took her hand and held it and waited until the lights came on. An unfamiliar warmth spread around in me, making me somewhat uncomfortable. What's this feeling and why am I feeling it with her? I really wonder who she is...

Although I could not see what was her reaction when I was holding her hand in mine, her body was stiff the whole time. I slowly let go for her only to grab my hand tighter.

"I...I'm scared of the dark...please..." she softly whispered. I just let her hold on to me without saying a word.

Now I am really curious. Who is she?


Just as if on cue, the lights came on.


2nd chapter done! Feedback is welcomed :D

The picture up there is what Trevor is wearing.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter!

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