Prolouge -Pain.

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"Nothing burns like the cold. But only for a while. Then it gets inside you and starts to fill you up, and after a while you don't have the strength to fight it."
-George R.R Martin


Once again, I feel a chilling cold hand fly across my face. I fell onto the floor, using my right elbow to catch myself. The pain was so intense I saw stars floating around. He raises his arm again, hitting me square across the face. All I could do was to await the pain that I always felt when I get beaten. Instead of feeling pain, I felt nothing, even though my head slammed the ground.

I felt something trickling down my face, then it drips on the floor. Oh, I realised it was my blood.
Why me? I always thought. Why is my life always like this? How I wish it could end..

"Get up girl! . A few hits and you can't pick yourself up. Pathetic. More beatings will surely help you become strong. " An evil smirk dancing across his wrinkled face.

I tried to get up, knowing the consequences if I didn't.

The dizziness in my head only sent me spiralling back down to the ground. All I could do was grunt in response.

"Come on! You're just like you were 10 years ago! Weak!" He yelled and punched me right in the stomach with not care in the world that there were bruises there previously after my last beating 2 days ago.

The impact from the punch was so big that blacks spots dotted my vision. I knew that any moment from now, I could pass out.

He abruptly went out of the room and when he came back, all that I was fixated on was the object in his hands. The very object that I dread so much. Upon seeing it, the only thing I could do was to pray for my own safety.

A whip.

Curling up in a ball, all I did was hope that I could just pass out right here and right now. I offered no signs of resistance, knowing that even if I did fight back, I'll just get hurt more. I let him whip me over and over again. I was defenseless against it. I wanted to escape from him so badly and go to my room in the basement and just lock myself in.

The sound of the whip cracking was deafening, only making me wish that time could just fast forward to the time he was done. The pain I felt from him whipping me was equivalent to burns that I got when our previous house burned down.

How could my biological father do all this to me without feeling sick?

"You. Deserve. This." He says as he continues whipping me,"All because of you, my wife died! She. Would. Have. Been. Alive." He gritted out, clenching his jaw.

Upon hearing this, my mind just went blank. I always thought it was my fault but hearing it repeatedly only made me believe I deserved to be beaten.

He continued to hit me, whip me and even kick me without stopping.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He threw the whip at me and left the room, muttering under his breath about work he had to do at the company.

I was left on the floor of the living room, freezing. The heat caused by the friction of the whip stung my skin. The cold soon replaced, numbing me so that I couldn't feel the pain. I wish I could turn back time to 10 years ago where I can make things right.

My eyelids getting heavy, reluctantly I succumbed to the darkness. Sleeping. I love it as much as I despise it too. Sleeping was my only escape from this cruel reality until it was tainted with fear.

Was a peaceful rest so much to ask for? Maybe, just maybe, it is...

I whimpered and looked out of the window into the night sky where snowflakes were falling down endlessly. I whispered, "I miss you mum. I'm sorry..." My eyes closed and sleep took me away.

Countless nightmares plague my sleep and the only wish I had was if all this could end.

A/N: Hi readers! This is my first ever Wattpad story. Thanks for reading it and I hope y'all like it!
Feedback is strongly encouraged!
Until we meet again :D

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