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Corbyns POV
I wake up and I don't see Daniel next to me. I shrug it off and head to the bathroom. After I get ready for the day I head downstairs. I grab my songbook before I head downstairs. I messaged Justin Bieber and I ask him if he wants to sing my song. He says yes so I grab my keys and I head out the door. I check the date and I realized that it's after my due date. I think nothing of it and drive to the studio Justin was at. I finally get in the room and everyone looked at me. I have a conversation with Justin and the people in the room.
(C- Corbyn J- Justin)
C: sorry I'm late
J: it's ok dude are you ok?
C: yeah I think so. Just give me a second.
J: are you sure your ok?
C: yeah I'm ok. The reason I wants to give this song to you was because one I think you're voice would sound really awesome with it instead of mine. I tried to sing it and it sucked.
J: that's sick dude. What's the song about if you don't mind me asking m?
C: the song is about my ex girlfriend and all the chaos that has gone on in the past year.
J: I'm sorry man
C: I'm fine really. I just needed time to get my life together. Can you do a sample so see if it would sound like I thought it would I have the melody and everything already done.
J: yeah sure it's no problem.

Justin sang the song and I loved it. I gave Justin the song and we actually got along really well. We all ordered pizza and we talked for a while. A few minutes later I get a call from Daniel.

D: hey baby
C: hey what's up?
D: where are you?
C: I'm at the studio why?
D: I was just making sure you are safe so you want me to come keep you company?
C: no bub. I'm hanging out with Justin right now but I promise I'll make it up to you.
D: ok I'll see you later?
C: yeah. I love you.
As I get off the phone I go to put my phone in my pocket and I get another phone call. This time it's from Jonah
Jo: hey
C: who's gone this time?
Jo: Daniel...
C: why did he leave
Jo: he said he was going to the studio because you have better friends than us.
C: oh my. Did he tell you who I was with?
Jo: no he just ran around screaming I'm gonna meet Justin
C: oh my gosh. I'll let him meet Justin but he needs to not pass out.
Jo: I think he's already there.
C: he is? I don't see him. I'll go check the main lobby but he should be here.
Jo: alright call me back later.
C: ok bye Jo.

I check the lobby and I see Daniel standing at the front desk. He looked really jumpy like how Zach was on a sugar rush.
C: Daniel calm down.
D: Oh hi Corbyn. I didn't see you there. Come on let's go. I'm sorry if I'm jumpy I had a lot of coffee today. Can we go upstairs please. I'm getting bored standing here.
C: Daniel
D: oh no what's wrong? Anytime you call me Daniel there is always something wrong. Can you just tell me so I can go meet Justin and then we can go home.
C: Daniel!
D: what's wrong?
C: you need to calm down so let's go get some water.
D: ok but he have to go fast before he leaves!
C: he's not gonna leave. Let's just go

I laugh at Daniel being all jumpy like a little kid. It makes me think of how our kids will act when they eat candy. We head back up to the studio booth we were in. I turn over to look at Daniel and is face is at awe. He can't believe his eyes. I just laugh at Daniel and everyone looked at me. Daniel starts laughing too. We head over to the couch as we stop laughing.
About an hour of hanging out with Justin, Daniel and I stand up and Justin says something.
J: dude did you piss yourself?
C: no why would you say that?
J: cause there's this giant wet stain where you were sitting.
Daniel and I exchanged looks of horror.
C: Dani I need you to call 911 and stay calm ok?
D: ok. Today's the day then.
J: what's today?
C: Justin I really don't want you to judge me but we don't have time for that right now.
J: time for what?

Before I could awnser I have a contraction. I scream and judging looks at me. He looks really scared. I pull his hand closer to me and I squeeze it really tight. Daniel comes in the room and takes over for Justin.
D: how far apart are the contractions?
C: I don't know I just know they hurt.
J: contractions?
C: yes I'm pregnant.
J: come on we need to get downstairs.
D: I'll go start the car the ambulance is another five minutes away and if we don't get him to the hospital in time he could have a still birth.
C: let's go. I am not having another miscarriage!
D: Justin I need you to drive!
J: why can you drive?
C: because he's my fiancé! Stop asking questions before my babies die!
J: ok let's go

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