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Corbyns POV
I wake up in the middle of the night from a phone call from stiles. I run to Scott's room and wake him up. I tell him that stiles is missing and that we need to find  him. The first place I went was to the sheriffs station. I see my dad and I get nervous because I know he will think that I had something to do with it.

I slowly walk up to my dads office. I knock on the door and tell him what's going on. He slapped me and he yells at me. He raised his hand again and I flinched. I tell him that I was terrified to tell him that stiles was missing because I knew that he's think it was my fault. He looks at me and I look at him scared.
I slowly scoot away scared of what might happen next.  He grabbed my shirt and pulled me up. Then he pulled me into a hug. I cried because I hadn't had a good relationship with my dad since I got bitten.  I start to cry.
C: I don't know what to do dad! I just wish I could keep him safe like you wanted. I'm sorry!
Noah: it's ok son. I'm sorry. He's gonna be ok. My guys are gonna find him. Now you and Scott go up to his room and try to find anything that will help find him.
C: ok dad we'll call if we find him.
Noah: I sure hope he ok. Can I ask you a question?
C:sure what is it?
Noah: was that Daniel?
C: yeah we met when we moved to LA together. We're in a band.
Noah: wow so your famous now?
C: I guess you can say that. I'm just worried about tour when we start to do tours again.
C: I don't wanna tell you because you might hate me.
Noah: I'm not gonna hate you. If your gonna tell me that your gay I already know. I knew when you were little.
C: you have? Well ok I guess I can tell you. It was really hard for me to leave LA because I have kids. 2 twins and a girl. Her name is Mia.
Noah: isn't Mia Daniel and Allison's daughter?
C: well yeah but Daniel and I are together. I really didn't want him to come here because I was scared. I don't want to lose him dad.
I start to cry. He pulls me into a hug.
C: dad I'm scared. I don't wanna loose stiles or Daniel. I love them both. I don't know what to do!
Noah: it's ok. I know that everything will be ok. I just have to believe that everything has to be ok.
C: thanks dad. Now let's put a APB out on any blue Jeep's within a mile radius. There is more of a better chance finding him if we find his keep first.
Noah: you know a lot about police work. Why didn't you go into an academy?
C: well no offense dad, but I just didn't think that I wanted to go down that path. I like singing. It's my calling. I love to make music that people can relate to. I've wrote music for other famous singers suck as Justin Bieber and Halsey as well. I may not only sing. I'm a hella good song writer as well. And I don't wanna give that up. I wanna pass that legacy on to my kids as well.
Noah: I get it son. I do I didn't want to pass this on to stiles. He was just always willing to do anything to help. Just like you and I'm sorry. That I pushed you away. I just wanted him to be safe.
C: it's ok dad. I promise. You might have to meet my kids one day. Maybe when this is all over everyone can meet the kids.
Noah: I'd like that very much.
A little while later stiles walked through the station.
C: Stiles! Where in gods name have you been?
St: I'm sorry I didn't call. Why didn't you track my phone?
C: I don't know maybe because it was dead? You can't do that to dad and I we were so scared! I thought- I thought I lost you.
St: I'm sorry Corbs I lost track of time. I can't imagine what happened while I was gone.
C: stiles someone called and you were screaming.
St: yeah, about that...
C: oh my god. I can't believe you. I thought you were hurt.
St: I'm sorry!
C: have fun telling dad!
I laugh and walk off. I head to my car and drive back to Scott's house.
I head upstairs and turn on the light in my room. I see Theo.
C: Theo. What did you do to him.
Theo: I just came to ask you where Liam was.
C: I don't know. Um call him. I just wanted to see my boyfriend.
Theo: ok I'll go.
Theo walks out the door.
C: Daniel? Are you ok? Baby?
D: yeah baby who wouldn't I be.
C: Theo was here. Did he touch you?
D: baby no he didn't.
C:ok I'm gonna go get Scott.
I get Scott and ask him to do it.
C: Scott I need you to bite him.
S: what why?
C: Theo was in there with him. I want to protect him but what if he can protect himself?
D: he didn't bite me you know!
C: Daniel?
D: oh no. I think somethings wrong. I don't know how but I can hear your conversation from here!
C: ok Scott, not are you gonna bite him?
S: ok ok I will to save him.
Scott bites Daniel and he screams.
C: damn.
Scott: what?
C: I'm not gonna tell you because it might weird you out.
S: just tell me.
C: I can't your my best friend.
Daniel laughs.
C: it's not funny!
D: I know what wrong with him.
S: what's wrong with him?
Daniel whispers what he knows in Scott's ear and he laughs.
C: it's not funny!
My eyes turn orange.
D: oh shit!
S: yeah oh shit.
I walk towards the bathroom and I wait for my boner to go away. I start to tear up because it hurts. I hear knocking on the door.
D: baby it's me. We're sorry.
C: I know. It's ok. I'm ok I think.
S: are you sure? Your eyes were orange.
C: shit!
I stand up and look in the mirror.
C: you've got to be kidding me.
D: what does orange mean.
S: it means- it means that
C: it means that Uh.
D: oh- oh!
C: yeah.
S: I'm so lost. What does orange mean?
D: well what color do your eyes turn when you sleep with someone?
S: they used to turn yellow. But now there red.
D: well his turn orange when he wasn't a to sleep with someone.
C: hey! It's not my fault that him biting you was hot. And I mean extremely hot. Like burning fire hot. I should stop talking
S: no please go on about how hot we are.
C: shit... I don't think I can control it anymore. I have to have one of you. Like now.
D: well why have one when you can have both?
S: yeah.

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