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*Corbyn's POV*
I wake up and look around to see Scott and Daniel running to the shower. I smile because I know that Daniel is horny. I head downstairs and make me a cup of tea because I can't have coffee. I hear two peoples heartbeats so then I realize it's jack and Zach.
C: hey jack hey Zach.
Jack: how did you know we were walking down the stairs? We didn't say anything.
Z: that's a good question.
C: I'm gonna tell you this. Another thing with me that's I can control is that I can hear everyone speak and I can hear peoples heartbeats.
Z: thats so cool.
C: sometimes it can be when your not running from bad people.
Z: you were chased by people?
C: yeah. They had arrows, guns with silver bullets, and a lot more dangerous stuff too. Those scars took the most to heal.
Jack: that's awful.
C: yeah. I want to go back to see my dad and my brother because we didn't leave on good terms. My brother got mad and hit Scott.
Z: wow.
C: yeah. But sometimes Scott was a dick. I mean that I'm a good way though.
Z: well we better go. We're going to get some breakfast.
C: ok bye guys have fun.

They both leave and I walk back into my room. I see Daniel and Scott on the bed making out.
C: ok ok. Enough.
S: what why?
C: because. First you two have sex in the shower, and then you come out here on the bed to do the same thing. I just don't wanna see it because I am not apart of it. So please stop.
S: wanna join.
D: Scott!
S: what? It's just a question.
C: that's not my point!

My eyes turn grey.
C:I'm literally asking you to stop because I just want to read my book with my two beautiful boyfriends.
C: yes you dummy! And you two keep trying to fuck all the time and it s turning me on.
D: oh really?
C: don't you try it seavey!
My eyes start to darken and turn red.
C: you are both so unbelievable.
I walk out of the room and head into my kids room. I look at them and my eyes turn pink. I pick up Liam. I hear a heartbeat from behind me. I know that it's Scott.
C: what do you want Scott.
S: baby I just came to check on you.
C: I just wanted you both to hold me while I layed down with you both by my side. I don't want to feel like I'm nagging but I just want to cuddle with my boyfriends.
S:I love it when you call me you boyfriend.
C:I bet you do.
I put Liam in his crib. I head downstairs and Scott follows me. He picks me up and carries me back upstairs.
C:what are you doing!
S:giving you what you want.
C:and that is?
S:cuddles with your boys.
I climb in the bed and I feel soft kisses on my neck. I lean my head back on Scott's shoulder. Daniel is kissing my neck while Scott is rubbing my belly. I let out a moan.
C:mmhm this feels so good.
I feel hands running down to my thighs.

*Slight Smut*
I feel hands run down to my thighs. I moan in pleasure. I kiss Scott and he kisses back. I feel Daniel pulls down my underwear. I'm feeling too much pleasure so I didn't think about what was happening.  I let out a moan and I rub my hands in Daniel's hair.
C: we shouldn't be doing this.
S: but your not stopping us.
D: what are you gonna do about it slut.
C: why?
D: why what. Spit it out.
C: why do you have to use my kink against me?
D: because it's fun slut. Your looking very pretty for me.
S: baby. Come give daddy a kiss.
C: ok
I give Scott a kiss and I look back at Daniel.  He growls at me and his eyes turn yellow. My eyes turn orange.
C: Dani. As much as I want you both we can't.
S: but we can make you happy.
D: I'm gonna make you feel so good.
*End Of Smut*
After about 20 minutes my breathing calms down.
C: well you weren't wrong. That was a good orgasam.
D: I told you. Not give me a kiss.
I kiss Daniel and I let out a small moan while I'm still kissing Daniel.
C: mhm thanks boys. My stress levels were so high. Daniel I have something to tell you.
D: is it bad.
C: no not at all. You still have your powers.
D: really? I'm a werewolf? I didn't reject the bite.
S: that's good news. I thought something of it but I didn't want to mention it.
C: tell me.
S: well what is he had some of your powers.
C: from what my sperm?
Daniel and Scott laugh.
D: no baby he's saying that I might have been pregnant but had a miscarriage.
C: you were- you were pregnant?
D: I didn't think about it at the time but there's a possibility that I was.
C: oh gosh. Oh gosh!
I start to cry.
C: you were pregnant!
D: baby talk to me. What's wrong.
S: love talk to us.
C: if you didn't know you wouldn't have thought about it but I remember when I had a miscarriage. It was the worst day of my life.
D: I know I miss Heaven too.
S: Heaven?
C: I was pregnant with triplets but my body couldn't handle it and I passed out and I lost the baby.  I don't want that to happen again!  We were lost, devastated. I don't know if I can go through that again.
D: baby I don't want you to stress because I might not be pregnant.
C: ok ok. I won't stress. We have to think of baby names.
S: we will tomorrow right now we all need sleep.
C: ok let's sleep.
Both Daniel and Scott cuddle up nest to me and they put their hands on my belly. I move down to lay down on Daniel's stomach. I don't hear a heartbeat. I ahead a few tears and I fall asleep.

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