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I awake up and see Hope laying next to me.
Hu: this just doesn't feel real.
H: but it is. Hey what's wrong I can tell when you're feeling sad.
Hu:kinda missing the boys now. I'm going to call and check up on them.
H: is that a good idea?
Hu: I just wanna check on them. That's all I promise
H: ok

I call Daniel.
D: hello.
Hu: hey it's me just wanted to check in on you guys.
D: well we're doing just fine. You left and were managing it. Like we always do.
Hu: I needed this. I think I'm gonna stay here with Hope I have to learn how to control my magic and other things too.
D: are you ever going to come back?
Hu: I don't know.
D: are you happy? Corbyn are you happy.
Hu: yes. But I am starting to miss you. Maybe I can come visit soon.
D: I'm coming to see you.
Hu: now?
D: yes now. I have your location so I'm on my way.
Hu: no Daniel.
D: yes Corbyn. I need to see you.
Hu: it's not safe here.
D: then why are you there?
Hu: fine. 
D: I'll see you soon bye.
Hu: bye.

Hope looks at me.
Hu: ok. You were right.
H:I know. Let's go we need to go see the witches again.
Hu: they don't like me very much.
H: they haven't even met you.
Hu: you're right let's go.

Hope and I get ready and start to head over to the witches and we hear a car pull up.
Hu: I think he's here.
H: I'll go tell Alaric it's ok to open the gate.
The gate open and he pulls in and parks his car.
Hu: hey
D: hey. Did you change your name.
Hu: yes. It's Hugo. Hugo Marshall.
D: I love it.
Hu: Daniel I miss you.
D: I miss you too.
Hu: come on I'll show you around..
I pull Daniel inside and show him where the witches are at.
Hu: this is all of the witches and where they hang out. I think they don't like me very much.
D:why do you think that?
Hu: well one of the witches wanted to syphon me and she kissed me. I told her that I was gay and she got really angry.
D: well you were only trying to be nice right?
Hu: well yeah. But before that I made the lights flicker and the floor shake. I also made the forks move too.
D: wow.
Hu: yeah. I really can't control it at all.
D: Hugo what about our kids? What's going to happen to them?
Hu: here's what I want you to do. I want you to raise them nice and strong. Make sure no one ever hurts them.
D: but I can't do that on my own.
Hu: I know it's going to be hard but you have to do that. At least until I come back.
D: but I want to stay. Hugo I love you.
Hu: and I love you too much for you to stay here. Daniel I love you but I need you to go.
D: not yet.

Hope walks in.
H: hey I dont mean to interrupt but Alaric wants to see you.
Hu:ok I'm coming.
D: I love you.
Hu: come on.
We get down to Alarics office and I tell Daniel to wait here. I close the doors with my hand.
Hu: you wanted to see me?
A: yes I understand that you have another life but maybe you don't have to stay.
Hu: no I want to stay its just that I have kids and my adopted parents told me that I was older than I actually was. But I'm only 17.
A: I'm so sorry Hugo.
Hu: I am sorry that I wasn't told sooner but I'm not sorry that I had my kids. I love all of them very much so I really have to go and see you youngest boys. Please they are only three.
A: how many kids do you have?
Hu: I have 6. I adopted my oldest son and my daughter. Mia and Liam. My first set of twins are Liam and Laura. Yes I have two Liam's. My youngest set are Ethan and Aiden. I miss them so much. My boyfriend can take me and I'll come right back.
A: ok but take Hope with you. I know she's dying for some auntie time.
Hu: thank you so much!
The lights flicker.
Hu: sorry I'm just happy and sad.
A: go.
Hu: thanks Alaric.

I leave his office and I kiss Daniel. He kisses me back.
D: what was that for?
Hu: for no reason. Let's find hope and take her with us to go see the kids.
Daniel and I find Hope and get in the car and drive back to the boys house. Daniel opens the door.
D: I'm home!
Z:hey. What is he doing here!
Hu: um I um.
Z:get him out of here!

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