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I wake up next to Jonah and I kiss his forehead. I head downstairs to see Scott and Zach. They just look at me.
C: is there something that you need?
S: you need help corbs.
Z: yeah and I know that I'm the godfather of your children but I can't take care of them anymore.
C: I never asked you to. I told Jonah that I would leave custody of Liam and Laura to Daniel and Scott. They already have custody of Ethan and Aiden.  And I know that I need help.
S: I just miss you. I want nothing but the best for you.
C: and I know that. That's why I've decided to go to therapy 3 times a week and I already burned all of my brownies and weed and I've been sober for 3 days. It's a start.
S: good.
C: I guess.
Z: you didn't want to stay did you?
C: it's not that I didn't want to stay it's just that I still don't feel like I have a purpose here. Look I appreciate you guys wanting to help me but I need to do this on my own.

I head back upstairs to Jonah and see him sitting up on the bed. He looks sad.
C: baby? What's wrong?
Jo: am I really not enough to make you stay?
C: jo what are you talking about?
Jo: am I hold into you back?
C: baby no! What? Listen this is just something that I need to work on. I don't want you to feel like I don't want you because I want you.

I kiss Jonah and he kisses back. I wipe the tears off of his face.
C: you heard me talking about how I feel like I don't have a purpose here?
Jo: yeah and I don't want you to go.
C: baby listen, it's not you, it's me.
Jo: no. Corbs no.
C: why are you so emotional I just wanted to tell you that I want my own place.
Jo: I'm just sad.
C: jo what's going on with you? I really can't stand to see you cry this much.
Jo: um- I um. I can't do this!
C: what? Jo what's wrong?
Jo: I-I. I want to-to break up.
C: ok what's really going on you only stutter when your hiding something.
Jo: I can't tell you. You're going to leave me.
C: Jonah.
Jo: I can't! Ok?
C: you can't what. Why are you being so secretive! You hate secrets!
Jo: it's because of you! You're the reason I hate secrets!
C: me? What did I do?
Jo: that's the problem. You didn't do anything.
C: I really have no idea what you're talking about.
Jo: I don't want you here.
C: like as in you need space?
Jo: no:
C:  you want to break up?
Jo: yeah.
C: why am I even surprised at this point. Fine.
Jo: fine? Just fine?
C: yes! Fine!

I gather all of my things and walk out of Jonah's room into mine. I slam the door and I lay on the bed. I open my Instagram and scroll through it. I go to my page and disable it. I also put my phone on do not disturb and I walk around my room. I feel numb. I finally decide to go downstairs. I get my keys and as I'm about to head out the door Scott grabs my arm.

C: let go!
S: no!
C: let me go!
S: I'm sorry but I can't do that. Not this time.
C: I'm not leaving to run from my problems! So let me go before I actually hurt you!
S: ok.
C: try that again and I'll make sure you know your place.

I head out the door and pull out of the driveway. I drive for a while because I feel like someone's following me. And then I remember my phone so I turn it off and I keep going. I drive to my therapists office. I head to her door and I knock on it. She opens the door and lets me in.

T: Corbyn we talked about this.
C: I know but I just couldn't be in that house anymore.
T: what happened?
C: well for starters, my ex boyfriend, Daniel kissed me and Jonah saw and we talked about it but the next couple of days he was acting odd. I tried to talk to him about it and he just kept stuttering and I knew he was hiding something because he only stutters when he lies and he blew up in my face and he broke up with me.
T: ok. So how did you feel after he broke up with you?
C: the same way I felt when it happened with Daniel. Nothing. And I just walked away! I let it happen again.
T: don't beat yourself up over this. Ok so here's what I want you to do. I want you to go home and get some sleep but before you do to bed go see your kids and just give them your love. And after you wake up try to look for your own place. For you and your kids. They need you. It's time to start over.
C: but-
T: no buts. I want you to come back tomorrow and show me what houses you've found.
C: ok. I'll see you tomorrow.
T: goodnight Corbyn.
C: goodnight.

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