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*Corbyn's POV*
I wake up next to Scott and Daniel. I get up and head to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and I am shocked by how much I am showing now. I hear footsteps coming towards where I am standing. It's Scott and Daniel.
D:morning boys.
S:morning love. Morning babe.
C:good morning. Ooh
S:what are you hurt?
C: no not at all they're just kicking a lot.
D: they are?
S: why are they kicking so much.
C: it's ok they normally don't kick this much they are just hungry. Let's go get some food.

We head downstairs and I see Jonah. I look at him and I grab my keys and head to my car and lock the doors. Daniel tried to open the door and I jumped.
C: sorry you just scared me that's all.
D: baby what happened with you and Jonah?
C: he called me a monster. I didn't know what to do or say. I knew he was scared but I didn't mean to scare him.
D: I know. I know you just want him to accept you but you can't rush it bub. Now let's go inside and eat some of Scott's pancakes.
C: ok.
I kiss Daniel and he kisses me back. He pulls away and we get out the car to head inside.
I sit at the table and eat my pancakes and I head back upstairs to look in the mirror.  I see my songbook out and think about writing so I sit down and I write a verse.

Innocent of sin
Baby, in the moment we all think we know
But when it's too late, all the answers show
No forgiving then
All it takes is time and some selfish pride
To flip out love story on its side

I smile at the verse and close the book. I look over and see Scott and Daniel cuddling together. I head downstairs to get a water and I see Jonah. I head to the kitchen anyways and he ask to talk to me.
Jo:hey Corbyn. I'm sorry about yesterday.
C: about which part? Grabbing me or calling me a monster? Look Jonah, I was just trying to fix my relationship with you boys but you clearly can't except that something happened to me that I can't control.
Jo: I didn't mean it I was scared.
C: and I get that Jonah but it's not gonna help me by pushing me away. Now I need space. Can you do that without taking pity on me?
Jo: what?
C: Jonah I'm not stupid. I have super hearing. I heard Scott tell you about the night that I got but. I heard your sad heartbeat as well.
Jo: well what can I do to make things right?
C: nothing. As of right now I don't even know you. I'm just staying here until I get my own place.
Jo: your moving? You can't move.
C: I have to. I have to get a house. I have kids.
Jo: Corbyn I'm sorry.
C: I know your sorry. But that doesn't change the fact that one of my best friends made me feel like I was unwanted and not enough. I hated that word growing up because I heard it all the time. It haunts me and it will every day of my life.
Jo: I'm sorry.
C:just stop saying your sorry! I know you don't mean it. I know when your lying! So just stop. I'm gonna go and lay down now just drop it and leave me alone right now.

I walk upstairs and climb in the bed with Scott and Daniel. I get my laptop and go on Netflix. I was so angry at Jonah for trying to make things better when he was making them worse. I stand up and look in the mirror. My eyes were red. I started to pace around the room and I feel my teeth coming out. I grown really low and I punch the mirror. Scott and Daniel jump up.
D: what the hell?
S: don't make him more angry. It takes longer for him to calm down. I'm gonna try to get him to calm down.
Scott walks up to me and tries to hug me. I throw him against the wall.  Daniel tries next and I try to fight him but he is stronger than me. My eyes turn pink.
C: ok ok you can let me go. I'm calm.
D: you sure?
C: yeah. Where's Scott?
D: you threw him through the wall.
S: thanks for that.
C: baby! Are you ok? I'm so sorry! I hope your not hurt!
S: I'm ok. I still heal.
C: I'm sorry baby. I was just so angry at Jonah.
S: he tried to make things better I'm guessing?
C:yeah he only made things worse. Can you hand me my laptop I wanted to show you guys something.
Scott hands me my laptop and I show them the house I saw and asked if we can go and see it.
S: you wanna buy a house?
C: well yeah. What's 5 kids gonna do in this small house. I want a place where they can grow up and make fun memories. Yes they still have family here, in this house but it would be better for all of them to grow up in a big house.
D: let's go see it tomorrow ok? Right now let's get some sleep I'm exhausted
C: me too.
We all lay down on the bed, both Daniel and Scott have their hand on my belly and we all fall asleep.

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