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Corbyn's POV
I wake up and I see Daniel and Scott on the bed next to me. I smile because I know that I'm happy. Then a thought comes to mind. What if Daniel isn't happy. What is the baby dies? I hear my heart monitor spike. I see Melissa coming into my room and trying to calm me down. Then she brings over the baby and I start to calm down. I look at Ethan and he smiles at me.
C: Did you just smile! You did!
I feel tears rolling down my cheeks and I feel a small hand and it was Ethan's I see him with dark veins. He pulls his hand away and I pull him closer. I kiss his forehead as he falls asleep in my arms. I call Liam and he rushes right over to me. He knocks on the door and opens it. I tell him to come closer.
Liam: you had more babies.
C: yeah I didn't really get a chance to bring the other babies back but here are my twin boys.
Liam: what are there names?
C. Ethan and Aiden.
Liam. Scott picked the names didn't he.
C: yeah it suits them though.
Liam: I heard about what happened with your eyes. If you don't mind me asking what happened?
C: well when you have been called a monster all of your life, and your best friend does it too and your boyfriend calls you selfish on top of physical and verbal abuse. That's what will break a person.
Liam: I'm sorry.
C: it's ok. Nothing that you have to worry about. Enough about me. What about you. Last I heard you were in love with Theo.
Liam: yeah I was.
C: Liam I'm so sorry honey.
I pull him into a hug and he cries.
Liam: it's ok I mean I knew it wasn't gonna work out but I had hope.
C: it's ok to have hope in other people but if he didn't want to be with you than his loss.
Liam: yeah your right. How are they doing
Liam points to Scott and Daniel
C: well Daniel is pregnant. I just found out. I came here because my eyes were black. All black like the color and the pupils too. They just let me go. I know that they were scared but at the same time I felt like I needed to be away from everyone.  It's felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. And that's what I fear the most. That's they won't need me anymore.

Tears start running down my cheeks and Ethan wipes them away with his hands and his eyes turned pink and blue. I kissed his forehead and his hand.
C: I'm ok. He can feel my emotions and take my pain and his eyes tell me what emotions he are feeling.
Pink is love
Blue is sadness
Green is guilty
Orange is lust
Red is anger
Black is numb
Yellow is fear.
C: Liam do you know how to hold a baby?
Liam: no I can try.
C: I'll teach you. So you want your hand to he under his head and then your other hand under his butt.
Ethan looks at Liam and touches his face. His eyes are glowing blue.
Liam: what is he doing?
C: he is taking your pain away. He can sense that you're sad
Liam: oh. I don't want him to take too much pain because he can be hurt.
C: he knows when to stop. He'll smile
As I say that Ethan smiles at Liam.
C: see? He already loves you. Your his brother. Liam you remind me so much of what my son will be like when he grows up. Please never change for anyone.
Liam: can-can I stay with you for a little while? Only so I can get into a good high school? I want to get out of this town.
C: are you sure? What about your dad and your friends?
Liam: they were always afraid of me. I don't want them to fear me.
C: I don't want that for you either. My best friend called me a monster. He found out that I was a werewolf and freaked out.
Liam: please Corbyn I want to get out.
C: fine. I will register you for school when we get back to LA. I have to start packing everything into boxes because we just bought a house for all of us. Maybe you and Mia will get along. She was Allison's daughter. I know you never met Allison but I think you'll be a great big brother.
Liam: you think?
C: no I know that you are.
I get discharged and hug Melissa as we Liam puts his stuff if my car. Daniel took his car so we have enough room. Daniel's car has car seats in there so I just strap Ethan and Aiden into the car seats.

A hour later we're back home and I get out of my car and get the car seats. Liam carries one as well.
C: I'm home!
Z: babies!
J: you had them already?
C: yeah I know it's wasn't as long as Liam and Laura.
L: Laura?
C: yeah that's her name.
L: oh. Hello my name is Liam.
Z: Liam? Like Liam upstairs?
L: yeah speaking of Liam. Where is the little guy. I wanna see how aggressive he really is.
C: I'll show you.
I head upstairs with Liam and he meets baby Liam.
L: he's so cute. He looks so much like you.
C: he looks like Daniel more.
L: I've always wanted siblings. It was hard on me when I found out I was adopted. Not knowing where I came from or who my birth mother was.

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